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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

GOP Rep Wants To Block Obama’s Refugee Plan: ‘It’s An Open Invitation’ To America’s Enemies

Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin has introduced a bill into Congress that would halt the resettlement of refugees in the country until a thorough assessment of the costs and dangers of the process is conducted.

Babin drafted the Resettlement Accountability National Security Act in response to the Obama administration’s desire to expand America’s refugee program — a program the lawmaker believes is fundamentally flawed.

“What we’re trying to do here is to put a temporary halt to the refugee program until the general accounting office can do an assessment of just exactly how much this is costing the taxpayer,” Babin told The Daily Caller. “It’s something that needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed quickly because what it amounts to is an open invitation. To import the problems of the Middle East, of terrorism, oppression of women and all the things that go along with it, into the United States of America.”



  1. All part of his plan ,Europe esp England is now 18% muslim and getting worse.

  2. Blah,blah,blah. Same was said about obamacare. Same was said about EVERYTHING before the 2012 congressional election. Let's get a new speaker then everything else will fall into place.

  3. Boehner needs to GO.

  4. Yeh right you are all traitors

  5. I say ship the ones we have out!

  6. GOOD! Best news I've heard all week!

  7. This is the transforming of America and it is happening with us doing nothing to stop it. Wake the hell up, America!

    1. It isn't "transforming". It's disrupting, destroying and disintegrating.

      From the inside.


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