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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Family of Ahmed Mohamed Hires High-Profile Attorneys to Pursue ‘Severely Traumatized’ Son’s ‘Legal Rights’ in Clock Incident

The family of Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old student arrested for bringing a “homemade” clock assembled inside a small case to school, has retained high-profile attorneys to “pursue Ahmed’s legal rights and regain his science project from the Irving Police Department.”

In a statement provided to TheBlaze, Universal Media Group, the marketing company handling media inquiries for the Mohamed family, said the parents have pulled Ahmed and his two siblings out of the Irving Independent School District “because of religious persecution and made the decision to homeschool the children.” The family claims their son has been “severely traumatized” by the incident.

The family’s attorneys, Thomas Bowers and Reggie London, are “concerned that the proper protocol and procedures were not followed and that this will be a psychological blemish on the fourteen year old boy,” according to the statement.



  1. Looks like a free ride to M.I.T. for this kid.

  2. People Wake up this is a test on how far muslims can push america .look at Europe.

  3. Was it Plato that said "First, kill all the lawyers"?
    If he's that sensitive, give him a dress and a job in obama's administration.

    1. Pretty sure that was Shakespeare buddy

  4. This country is getting to be absolutely ridiculous! Worried about offending everyone but whites and Christians, I'm tired of it! I'm offended because I can't express my beliefs but everyone else can but as soon as I complain, I'm a racist, it's BS

  5. I'm a tech geek and I've been obsessed with the Ahmed Mohamed story. Initially, I was on this kid's side, until I saw photos of the "clock". Last night he appeared on the Aljazeera network and ADMITTED that he intentionally set the alarm to go off on his "clock". He did this after being told to put it away and not to show anyone else by his Engineering teacher.


    The questions are... Why did he leave school that day? Why didn't he get rid of the "clock" when he left? Why did he return to to set the alarm off in English class? Why did he feel compelled to set the alarm to go off in class?

    I ask you, does this look like the face of a traumatized family? https://twitter.com/istandwithahmed/status/644179809170509824

    His clock is a FRAUD... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEmSwJTqpgYYouTube

    The infamous Irving Texas clock--challenging the story's foundation... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHk_6Vh4QeoYouTube


    Does anyone think this kid deserves a scholarship for $250,000 from Bitcoin and to meet the President?

    Also I found this..."Ahmed explains that he closed up the box with a piece of cord because he didn’t want it to look suspicious. I’m curious, why would “looking suspicious” have even crossed his mind before this whole event unfolded, if he was truly showing off a hobby project, something so innocuous as an alarm clock. Why did he choose a pencil box, one that looks like a miniature briefcase no less, as an enclosure for a clock? It’s awful hard to see the clock with the case closed. On the other hand, with the case open, it’s awful dangerous to have an exposed power transformer sitting near the snooze button (unless, perhaps his invention was to stop serial-snooze-button pressers by giving them a dangerous electrical shock!)"


    1. The kid knew it was a bad idea, but thought he could get away with it, and gain some nerd coolness points. I read some similar articles, and I agree. I'm no longer sympathetic to the kid at this point.

  6. The school and the cops screwed up; it's that simple. I hope he gets a few million.

    1. @11:15.....
      First....you are an absolute moron.
      Second....go live in Mecca with your fellow terrorists and leave us alone.
      Third....you probably support Ireton, therefore, you must jump off a cliff in your way to Mecca.

      Aloha Snackbar

  7. Traumatized? All the attention and free trips to the great white Muslim house ? Just a ploy to feel sorry for Muslims. I hope they get deported in court.

  8. 10:52 you have said it all! Everything is totally screwed up!

  9. Islam learning how to dissect our legal system...They are taking Obama lessons.

  10. Put on your big boy panties, kid and deal with it! At 14 you should have already figured out life isn't always fair!

  11. We have room but for one flag, one language and laws based on the constitution. Its time to start telling people like it or get out.

  12. If this kid is “severely traumatized” over this incident then by all means do home school him. He is a mental case who has no business being in the schools because he puts other students/teachers/staff at risk. No telling what he may do. Getting so “severely traumatized” over this incident shows he is unstable and is capable of anything including real violence.

  13. We need to start deporting these people en masse

  14. If your ALL so mad about this you better vote TRUMP in '16 if you want this crappie to stop. You think this crappie would go on if BUSH was still president? ? HELL NO.

  15. This was a setup from the start. The kid built nothing, he took apart a late 1970's era clock and stuck it in a pencil box making it look like a bomb. His father is a Muslim Activist. This can all be found out by using Google. This was most likely a setup by an activist who wasn't happy with Irving, TX rejecting Sharia law.

  16. The boy should have been arrested for taking that to school, should that have been a white child he would have been arrested.

  17. Yeah he looks severely traumatized!! I hope the judge is smarter than that sh!t!

  18. Make America Vote RED next year.

  19. A white kid bites a sandwich that could look like a gun and gets suspended.

  20. Why don't these Muzzies start their own schools if they want their holidays observed and if they want Sharia law.Other religious groups have built schools based on faith,so why can't these people do it.Oh thats right,they don't want to build their own,they want to take over our taxpayer supported schools and then force their beliefs and insist everything including schedules are catered to THEM.If Muzzies are unhappy here,nothing is stopping them from going back to the deserts on the other side of the planet.We have too many here already

    1. Actually, they DO have their madrassahs, such as Obama himself attended. It's better that the kids go to mainstream public schools, where the girls can learn that there is a whole world out there beyond learning to recite from the Koran, wearing sheets covering their faces, and dutifully submitting to life as a broodmare producing more good Muslims.

  21. This whole thing is a lie. This little d-bag and his family need to be smacked around.

  22. So the 6 year old who chewed his pop tart in the shape of a gun gets expelled and this boy goes to Washington?All the morons associated with this should be arrested for being so stupid.

  23. Think there was a report of this kids sister made a bomb threat at that same school maybe a year or two ago. Hmmmmmm

  24. This is a setup. It reminds me very much of how the Palestinians create fraudulent situations ('collateral damage') to make themselves look like victims and elicit sympathy.

  25. Dam! I wish I could sue someone for a quick buck and win.

    1. Black/Muslim version:

      1. Misbehave
      2. Take the consequences
      3. Profit!

      Everyone else:

      1. Misbehave
      2. Take the consequences
      3. Learn not to do it again

  26. Obama has achieved his goal

  27. He is a terrorist son of a terrorist!

    Remember, their religion teaches them to lie to further their agenda!

  28. F this little terrorist. He and O should be in the same hole in the ground


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