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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ever Wonder Why Liberals Get So Mad At Me For Posting The Truth?


  1. So why are dummocrats saying obama is Not a Muslim ???

  2. Joe this pic needs to be under the trump article.

  3. I am so disappointed in the Kooks of this nation, I was sure he wouldn't live one year.

  4. Pretty ugly if I must say! How in the world did anyone with any sense vote for this fake?
    Passed a car earlier this week with an Obama/Biden sticker on the back of their car - I mean really!!!!
    I basically stared at them while at the stop light and they looked like they were from another planet!

  5. Mark...his father was born in Kenya and his father was a muslim

    There are too many circumstances and incidents to not believe Obama has some underlying ties to muslim religion

  6. Not to mention he was not born in America. If he was why is it he has not provided his birth certificate that he has in his possession like all the rest of do? I have mine and everyone else has theirs. So where is his? Why did he have to have Hawaii send one in when all he had to do was go in his records and provide his birth certificate that he has in his possession? Because he has none.


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