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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Encryption might be the reason we've never heard from aliens, says Snowden

Edward Snowden thinks he might have an answer to the Fermi paradox — the cosmological puzzle of why, given that the universe is so very old and so very big, we haven't heard from any aliens yet. Speaking with Neil deGrasse Tyson on the astrophysicist's StarTalk podcast (the relevant section starts 30 minutes in), Snowden suggests that a universal need to keep communications secure could mean that alien signals are simply too well encrypted to be distinguished from background noise.

"When you look at encrypted communications, if they are properly encrypted, there is no real way to tell that they are encrypted. You can’t distinguish a properly encrypted communication, at least in the theoretical sense, from random noise," says Snowden. He suggests that over time all societies realize that encryption is a necessity. "So if you have an alien civilization trying to listen for other civilizations, or our civilization trying to listen for aliens, there's only one small period in the development of their society where all of their communications will be sent via the most primitive and most unprotected means."



  1. Snowden may not realize that interaction with indigenous species (humans in this case) is prohibited unless necessary to prevent catastrophic events that could lead to the termination of that species.In other words,we have an approximate historical template to adhere to,and any outside interference could knock us out of adherence to that course.Even aliens know that God ultimately calls the shots.

  2. What if god was an alien?

  3. God is God,and those who we refer to as aliens believe and depend on him as much if not moreso than we do.Aliens will limit human contact to that which is absolutely necessary and unavoidable.Don't anticipate any White House lawn or Kremlin landings in the near future.Free will is a universal reality.Our actions and decisions,good or bad smart or stupid are ours to make.Aliens will not interfere UNLESS we do something so incredibly stupid that life on Earth would end as a result.Then and only then would they be forced to act/intervene.

  4. Don't forget santa claus and the tooth fairy.

  5. Snowden is on smart dude! If he wasn't they would have caught him long ago.


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