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Monday, September 28, 2015

Empty Tables, Deserted Streets For Pope’s Philadelphia Visit

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — One restaurant owner spent $7,500 on food she couldn’t sell. A smoothie shop’s business was down more than 50 percent.

Even as hundreds of thousands of people thronged the Benjamin Franklin Parkway on Sunday for Mass with Pope Francis, his weekend visit to Philadelphia apparently failed to deliver the economic boon predicted by organizers.

Some businesses closed early, downtown hotel rooms went unfilled and normally bustling city streets were deserted over the weekend as residents either stayed home or left town, and pilgrims kept their wallets in their pockets.



  1. Could it be because the vast majority of people that care about The Pope are not wealthy? They went for the Pope and not a party. Just another example of how the people in charge are out of touch.

  2. Well now they know, every event isn't always about how much money they can make.

  3. Camden Yards mentality 10:58

  4. Consider the location: Philadelphia, not a place you'd even go to see the Pope.

  5. Location Location Location, Brotherly Gay Love, puke

  6. WOW!! Just like Christmas. All these clowns scream and cry about GOD. About Jesus and pictures of him. Then when they don't make money they wonder why.

  7. The faithful went to see the Pope. Not spend what little bit of money it took them to get to Philly. The people did the right thing.

  8. Philadelphia is like Baltimore. Punks and thugs running the city. That's just the politicians. People go. Do what they have to do. Get the hell outta town. PERIOD. Don't have to worry about your safety.

  9. Send the mayors and the Pope a bill. Let us know how you do.


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