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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Democrats Urge U.S. To Take 100,000 Syrian Refugees

Two top Democrats have called for the U.S. to accept 100,000 Syrian refugees next year, or 10 times the number President Obama proposed this week, saying America should “do our part.”

Reps. John Conyers Jr. and Zoe Lofgren, who are the two top House Democrats on the committee dealing with immigration, also said the U.S. should take a total of 200,000 refugees, or nearly three times the number accepted in 2014.

“It is time for the United States to join the global community for a humanitarian response,” the two lawmakers said. “We should do our part by admitting 200,000 refugees, with 100,000 reserved for refugees from Syria.”

With as many as 4 million Syrians believed to have been displaced by a crumbling government and multiple rebellions, countries around the globe are trying to decide what they can do



  1. Fine, then let all those people registered Democrats pay for them. Just pass a bill that taxes all Democrats an extra 50%. Trump is looking better every day.

  2. F them,tell a 1,00,000 dems to let them move in with them.

  3. These democrats are dangerous

  4. Desperate for votes.


  5. Can we get the global community to take 5 million of our
    illegal Hispanics that are in need of a new country?

  6. My head is going to exlode

  7. Maybe the DEMOCRATES need to change their name to the Giveaway party now. How in the Hell can they keep on treating the American Citizens like this. I hope they all freeze in hell before we are kuked and CHICAGO GOES FIRST.

  8. Trojan Horse. Are these people crazy. The answer is Hello yes!!! The Dems are traitors to America and need to be hung for all to see.

  9. NNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooio!!!!!

  10. What's 100000 more illegal, unemployed, son to be entitled mon citizens?

  11. Fine, place them in their home state and town! If they feel that way then let them lead by example and neighbor the first 10-20 thousand!

  12. The obvious humanitarian thing to do.

  13. 5:22 I agree. Now you agree to pay for their keep. I can't hear you!

  14. Why don't we quit warring in their countries making them unlivable with ruined economies?

    Then, they could live at their homes and not come to ruin our country.

  15. Yes 5:22 I agree
    We can't hear you

  16. Ok then. Send them to Washington D.C. and let them trash the place just as they are doing in Hungry. China and Russia are taking none of them. Difference is that those countries listen to the people they serve.

  17. "The obvious humanitarian thing to do." Why? These aren't elderly and families. These are healthy young men - by the hundreds of thousands. There is nothing 'humanitarian' about imposing these dangerous freeloaders on aging populations in civilized countries.

  18. We'll get the culls for sure.Rapists,murderers etc will be sent over here and Europe will keep the good ones.

  19. Yeah sure, it's the kind thing to do. If the gov't can come up with a plan to house and provide assistance for these people, why is it so difficult to do the same thing for our homeless vets and others who live hand to mouth?

  20. National suicide courtesy of our elected officials.

  21. Shoot every Democrat that tries to force this down our throats. I am sick and tired of Democrats and RINO's bringing down our country.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Fine, place them in their home state and town! If they feel that way then let them lead by example and neighbor the first 10-20 thousand!

    September 12, 2015 at 5:04 PM

    Neighbor my ASS!! Let them live with these same Democrats and if that doesn't work out send the Democrats back to Syria with the refugees.

  23. Anonymous said...

    The obvious humanitarian thing to do.

    September 12, 2015 at 5:22 PM

    When did you get to decide that anything is the humanitarian thing to do? I am sure you are a freeloading liberal Democrat that pays little to no taxes. You stupid Moron. I wish you would have signed your name so we all would know how stupid you are.

  24. Did you see the YOUNG MEN refuse water given to them from infidels. They threw the water away because Muslims didn't give it too them. Yeah let these AHOLES come here.


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