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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Democrats In Maryland Want Hogan To Fund Planned Parenthood


On September 29, 2015, in Blog, by MDDems
The Honorable Lawrence J. Hogan
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Dear Governor Hogan:
Your office has said repeatedly that you are eager to put partisanship aside and get things done.
We are watching the Republican-controlled Congress take the federal government to the brink of a shutdown over federal funding of Planned Parenthood, and we are concerned that General Assembly Republicans have drawn inspiration from the dysfunction your office so often condemns.
Please take a public stand against these fringe tactics and commit now to funding Planned Parenthood in your FY2017 budget.


  1. Ugh I look at a democrat and I want to throw up. They are just disgustingly putrid people any which way you look at it.
    How anyone can stand behind a party that condones keeping "'it' alive until we can harvest 'it's' brain" isn't worth a damn. The democrat party can't sink any lower.

  2. If the democrats really wanted to ensure passage, THEY would demand there was a federal investigation on Planned Parenthood immediately to be completely ASAP. An investigation could be completed in a week. That would shut everyone up and if the investigation finds evidence of criminal actions, then the DOJ can begin criminal proceedings.
    Of course not one democrat will call for an investigation. They whine, they posture but don't call for an investigation, which should have been done already and then we wouldn't even be talking about this. But when people are too determined to cover up things this is what you get-more posturing.
    So Jim Mathias you CAN solve this "crisis". Get your fellow state dems together and convene on the feds to open an investigation into PP.

  3. What can I add? You guys have hit the nail on the head.

  4. 1:55 - all while pleading to eliminate the death penalty.

    Governor - if you fund PP - only fund the parts that provide contraception...not abortion! Prevention is much better - look at the welfare rolls and you can see how expensive not funding contraception IS!

  5. Unless there is a ribbon cutting event, Mathias will not be there.

  6. The Party of Liberal Jim - I didn't see Elijah the Communist on the list - what's up with that?

  7. We don't need to fun Planned Parenthood. Everyone has Obamacare now!! That was suppose to fix all of this. Why are we forced to pay twice?

  8. Exactly 3:31 why fund PP anyway? No one's funding private physicians. 2:53, I don't like the just fund the services that don't include abortion, because all this does is free up other money which can then be put toward abortions and all methods of birth control are available at local health depts.

  9. All of the states that have defunded PP still have PP and they still offer all the same services. They accept insurance, which now everyone in the country is supposed to have. And they have a huge profit margin.
    Just because a state doesn't fund it, doesn't make it not exist? Look at New Jersey, they haven't funded PP in years and still have tons of locations, that provide abortion services.

  10. Government on any level need NOT fund PP. They make enough money without government subsidy. In the 100's of millions through abortion alone. Other services, they don't have. They offer them, but don't provide them.


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