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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Dear White People

Dear self-deprecating white people,

For the love of all that is pure and holy, please, cut that sh!t out. First off, I can do bad all by myself. So, when I break the law by willfully committing crimes and get arrested, thus becoming another “black man” statistic, I am to blame, not you. When I point a gun, or a facsimile of one, at a police officer and get shot, I am to blame, not you. When I skip school to hang out on the corner with my equally irresponsible friends, I am to blame, not you. When I have opportunities that my parents and grandparents could only dream of, and I fail to take advantage of those opportunities, thus becoming another statistic, I am to blame, not you. When I get stopped for a seemingly insignificant traffic infraction, and I am found with drugs and/or paraphernalia, thus getting arrested and becoming another statistic, I am to blame, not you. Ten percent of my life I have zero control over; what other people choose to say or do to me, the weather, the economy, traffic, etc. The other 90%, I, and I alone, am fully responsible for. Not you.

As I am typing this on a computer and as it is uploaded onto social media, it is safe for you to assume that I was not alive during slavery. Neither were you. It is safe to assume that on both our sides, none of our family within 3 generations lived during slavery. Therefore, I do not need you to feel guilty for the existence of the North American Slave Trade. I don’t need you to sit with your equally self-deprecating hippie friends and chain yourselves together, wearing t-shirts that say “Guilty.” That means absolutely nothing to me. It does absolutely nothing in my life but make me ask myself, “What is it with these white people?” If you choose to feel guilty for something you did not do, for something neither of us were alive to experience, that is your choice. But do not sit there and claim that it is on my behalf. Do not claim to do it for my sake. It has nothing to do with me. In fact, it only serves to speak toward your own bloated self-importance. It speaks to your own narcissism-to think that events that ended 150 years ago somehow center around you making apologies and declaring yourselves guilty, to think that your own self-perceived guilt is somehow a major factor in my life, who are you? I am more than capable of feeling guilty for my own flaws and misdeeds. I do not need to carry your self-aggrandizing and misplaced guilt as well. You were not there. I was not there. So what makes you think you owe me anything? What makes you think that your own importance, relative to the passage of time in relationship to those events, has any bearing on my life?



  1. Is this guy nuts? To blame white people for the thoughts ? We never blamed anyone where blame wasn't to be placed. We never threw out the slavery card. Wth!

    1. Re-read the article. Slowly. Use a dictionary if necessary. Please understand what the man is saying before posting meaningless comments. Thanks.

  2. As a black man, I couldn't have said it better myself.

  3. Wow.

    I hope this is legitimate. Then there is hope.

  4. Finally, someone with a sane word on the subject...

  5. I don't feel guilty. I had nothing to do with slavery, nor did my ancestors.

  6. 10:31, that's what he's stating. the problem is, Many white people do feel guilty for something they didn't do. this is false guilt and these white people are part of the problem.

    this young man gets it and gets it right. spot on...

  7. Why do whites feel guilty? Because the they have been brain washed by the media , political figures , civil rights activists , threats killings , and many more . Why , because the whites took you into an environment (U.S.) that was strange from your culture , even though the blacks were being sold as slaves for thousands of years prior to the U.S. . They blamed the U.S. and still do.
    I firmly believed that most blacks are of good faith and knowledge , I also believed that most blacks were of good honest up-bringing. I do not believe any of that now. I understand what this guy is saying , as he sees the truth coming out and the riots he wants to look as a hero . He is just way too late , the worse is yet to come because of the condition of our nation , that I attribute to Obama and Sharpton for 7 years of racial hatred . When this country has a TV station devoted the racial hatred against whites it's criminal.
    The best I can see , this individual is just trying to make a name for himself , as most people would love too . Being black gives him an advantage in these days.


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