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Saturday, September 05, 2015

County to get tough on nuisance properties

Deciding that the county government has been too lenient with derelict properties, the Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday ordered a review of existing ordinances managing the issue, and upon finding them adequate, decided that they were just being too nice.

What that likely means is shorter deadlines to make required improvements and more property owners called to the carpet to explain why they might need more time to make changes — if and when those property owners can be located.

Director of Review and Permitting Ed Tudor said one of the major obstacles in dealing with nuisance properties is identifying who exactly owns them.

“Sometimes there is no response, sometimes they’re deceased or they’ve walked away from the mortgage,” Tudor said.



  1. you could start with the city of smallsbury

  2. They need to clear from Fitzwater/Main st to rt 50 including Perdue and rebuild downtown.

  3. Shorter deadlines my a $$ There's property on Golf Course Road that has been dilapidated and overgrown for 10 years.

  4. Wicomico needs to do the same.


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