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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Climate Change Truth


  1. I don't understand , what's a Pope? Is he the like the commander of the Catholics?

  2. Science shows the earth is not warming.
    World leaders use "modeling" to manipulate projections.
    The Climate Change scam costs citizens dearly because vast amounts of monies are being wasted investing in renewable energy scams!

  3. The truth is not stopping the warmists from continuing to make ridiculous claims about global warming that the media happily repeats

  4. Geoengineering with chemtrails is man-made global warming!

  5. Global warming / Climate change is a tax scam to skim billions for the scientific community because they have nothing of value to work on ,They are looking for a free ride on easy street.

  6. Climate change , global warming , solar heating and much more are nothing but issues to distract the young and dumb from knowing what's really happening. When they realize , it will be toooooo late .


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