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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

City Residents Not Happy With T-Shirt Fundraiser For Officers Charged In Gray Case

Riots broke out in response to the police in-custody death of Freddie Gray. The six officers charged have been suspended without pay and that has inspired a fundraiser for the officers' families. Organizers are selling T-shirts for $25.

There is a depiction of a brick with the words "Baltimore Riot 2015: The Battle of Mondawmin." But trying to capitalize on the saddest days in Baltimore's modern history is rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.

"It's not the right message. I don't think so at all. They could do a lot better and for $25? Listen, I think you should think about what you did before you did it," John Lawson said.



  1. how can I buy them? I want several.

    1. Yeah. Make great shooting targets!

  2. This is perfectly appropriate. The more reminders of how the rioting, looting, thugs acted like some sub human species from some 3rd world country the better.
    To hell with anyone who thinks this is inappropriate. If they didn't grow it they wouldn't have to deal with it.
    Animals are more civilized.

  3. True, I'd just like to hear a politician say that for once...

  4. Took me a minute. If you really wish to purchase one go to booster.com and search Baltimore 6.

  5. So the wording on the shirt is not the right message, but it is ok to put shirts out that say "black lives matter"?

  6. Sales of the shirt have increased almost 50% since WBAL did the story and since I shared here the sales website here.

  7. I want a dozen! These people are hero's, to hell with that creep, he got what he deserved!

  8. I wear my trump shirt and hat every friday PROUD but the obama peeps give me dirty looks f them.

  9. LOL 6:13 of course the obama peeps are going to give anyone promoting Trump a dirty look. Trump talks about jobs and getting people back to work and all obama supporters do are look for ways to get out of and avoid if at all possible any kind of work.

  10. u should do something positive 2 promote this fundraiser, like top billing for a few days.


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