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Sunday, September 06, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Judge rules in favor of Brady in 'Deflategate' case

Four-game suspension of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady nullified by federal judge in 'Deflategate' case.



  1. used to like tom cheater, but his role in this really is making me rethink who and what he really is. if this was a single occurrence then I may have overlooked it, but this has happened multiple times now. i dont think he is good for football now

  2. So tell me again, how does the federal government have anything to do with any professional sports?

  3. Hate on those 4 super bowl rings baby !!!!

    1. Yeah the tuck rule. Complete BS. The Raiders beat their ass plain and simple.

  4. Good bc you cant punish the guy Twice.

    1. Wrong the NFL can appeal and should.

  5. Great example for kids; it's O.K. to cheat in sports and lie about it. Brady is an embarrassment and his arrogance and me first attitude defines who he really is. He won't be remember for the super bowls but for being a cheat!

  6. @11:49 A better example for kid's would be if their parents could read and interpret a report or article. A good lesson for kids would be that when you tell the truth it will set you free!! Where is your proof?? If a federal judge found no wrong doing on his part why do you think you know for a fact that he did it? Are you best friends with Tom? No..you are just a butt hurt fan...crying in your cereal this morning cause your teams gonna get beat by the Pats again!! Kiss those 4 Rings!!

  7. The NFL "should have" known that they were in trouble when the judge read the Wells report and said" so your contention is that Mr. Brady was more probably more than not generally aware of something that you did not prove happened".
    When the judge asked if the NFL had any direct evidence that Mr. Brady was involved, the reply was no. When the judge asked if they had any direct evidence that the game balls were intentionally deflated, the answer was no.
    Would anyone here want a family member to be punished based on that evidence alone?

    The NFL seriously lacked any standard policies and protocols regarding this whole situation.

  8. 12:01 total agreement. Most likely a Ravens fan, they did not mind
    a murder playing for them all those years, that's right the legal system found he was innocent.

  9. 12:01 He is guilty and you know it. Sure 4 rings are nice, but he will end up with the legacy he deserves in the end.

  10. As I predicted from the very beginning. Right out of the commissioners playbook. He is an empty suit.

  11. @1:33 12:01 here. YOU just wish he was guilty, then maybe your team would have a chance !! What I do know is that according to the judge there was no evidence of any wrong doing. But I guess you know more than the judge huh? I do know Roger Goodell should be fired for "the integrity of the game". And I also know you are a butt hurt!! Brady's legacy will live on only in small minds like yours will his integrity be tarnished. You are probably a Ravens fan....sorry 4 your loss!

  12. Ravens and Colts-these are 2 teams with a lot of integrity.
    1. Colts leave in the middle of the night.
    2. Ravens are the old browns.
    Com on man !
    It is no wonder fans jumped to the Patriots, Giants, Redskins, Eagles years ago.

  13. 1:25 Let me clear something for you. There is a big difference between murderer and alleged murderer. Verdict Not Guilty, Case Closed.
    2:49 Comparing apples with oranges? Art Model was promised by city of Cleveland to be helped with cost of new improvents at the football stadium, instead they built new ballpark for Cleveland Ihdians. Modell said, Oh well, I'm moving my team to Baltimore, but out of respect, I will let city of Cleveland keep the name Browns, uniforms colors and all history memoribilia.
    Same cannot be said about Irsay, owner of Baltimore Colts when leaving in the middle of the night.
    As Ravens fans, we all know too well about playing New England Patsies, "Poor Officiating", Spygate, Deflategate etc. Roger Goddess and Milan Kraft go on vacation together, visit each at their homes, there is a reason for that.
    As far as Brady goes, keep in mind Patsies play Squeelers in 1st week, so we want Brady to play, because if he doesn't it would be an easy victory for Pittsburgh, and Ravens fans don't want that. Besides, NFL put this game in prime time, so who would watch it if Brady wasn't playing?

  14. What , the Ravens need the Pats to beat the Steelers??

    1. Thats a good question. Big Ben likes to rape college girls on golf course and Brady likes deflated footballs. Hmmm. I think I like to see both QB's knocked out and nobody wins the game. In Prime Time. Cheers!

  15. Brady is a cheater. I can't wait for him to get his bell rung and hie career is OVER. Take the cheated SB rings and shove them up Giselle Ass.


  16. Comedy of errors by NFL in pursuing this the way they did, whether Brady planned it, knew about it or was innocent. Scrapping his phone casts him in a bad light.

    But Goodell has dealt with a number of unusual cases recently (Rice, Peterson, Deflategate) but appearing to make it up as he handed out discipline.

    We are a week from the opener and his only recourse is to make an appeal; it may/may not get heard before the first snap.

    Have a sense the owners are getting displeased with the commish. Might be time to put Goodell on the waiver wire and hire Condi Rice!

  17. 2:49 right on , Maybe they can get Ray Rice to beat him up , or his girl friend

  18. Maybe the Steelers sign Ray Rice, they got Michael Vick now, so that would make a good combo, WHO LET THE DOGS OUT!???

  19. Or Ray Lewis could knife them ? Don't forget him. Ha Ha

  20. Yea his statue is out front next to John Unitas. What a piece of trash, he doesn't deserve to be by JU, but if they didn't There would have been a riot years ago. a A class less town Baltimore

  21. The bottom line is the Pats are cheaters and the entire league knows it. From stealing signals to deflating balls. If you can not man up and win without cheating get out of the league. Quite honestly I was shocked I liked the guy. No one wanted him and he made the entire league look like fools. Great story. So why cheat when you are a shoe in for the Hall of Fame. The man gets 500k per game. I just don't get it. There was no need to cheat.

  22. @12:55 I'm confused. Did he cheat ?? Where is the proof ? Didn't judge Berman find no wrong doing on Brady's part? When the judge asked the NFL's attorney "do you have proof?" They replied "no". I'm not sure what more you want. But I do get your anger. Anyone that angry has most likely had his team handed to him by the Pats. It's called sour grapes...get over yourself.


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