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Sunday, September 13, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake says she won't seek reelection.

[WATCH] Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake says she won't seek reelection. READ MORE ----> http://cbsloc.al/1L6m7h8

Posted by WJZ-TV | CBS Baltimore on Friday, September 11, 2015


  1. After her awesome display of stupidity recently - she should resign!

    Maybe the stupidity wasn't all hers - after all, the voters did elect her!

  2. Maybe she'll get a chunk of the settlement money given to Fast Freddies people.

  3. It will take years, if not decades for the damage she has caused to be repaired, if ever.

  4. she will be our next president

  5. She will be remembered with the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Marion Berry and of course Barrack Obama. All of whom are embarrassments to themselves and this country. At least their is hope that the next mayor can undo (much like Hogan after O'Malley) can correct the mess she made. Goodbye and good ridence hope we don't see you again!

  6. Now Sheila Pratt Dixon can move right back in and Baltimore can have a female Marion Barry

  7. Hold on Folks. Wait until you find out what she IS running for.

  8. Hope someone with integrity runs.

  9. Baltimore is too corrupt for anyone with integrity to run.

  10. The Governor's mansion? I here you get to leave with some cheap furniture.

  11. She, like O'Malley, probably has her eye on Mukulski's seat.

  12. Nope she won't run for anything most likely ever again. She's done politically. She knows it. She'll fall back on her law degree. At best she was mediocre while in the Public Defenders office but there is room for one more personal injury attorney in the Baltimore bar. Figure the rest out.

  13. She has suffered mental issues since taking office. She has had issues with exhaustion. I guess making stupid calls is extremely tiring. She was never that super star the dems wanted anyway. Adios Steph good luck you will need it.

  14. I think it is more that she knows she can't win the next election so she will bow out now. Since she knows she is not going to run again who knows what she will do.

  15. Yep, don't be surprised if in a couple of years it is;
    Murphy, Falcon, Murphy & Rawlings-Blake.

  16. It's simple. Her polling numbers were in the dumps, due in part to her actions (or inaction) during the riots. She had no support from:

    The business community – many of whom watched their businesses being looted and/or burned down, many businesses were hurt by her idiotic week-long curfew
    (some of them lost so much money they chose to permanently close), and the Mayor dictated to some businesses what they could or couldn’t sell (tobacco, alcohol) in order to receive aid and/or loans.

    The police – For her hiring of an incompetent, wife-beating police commissioner in Anthony Batts (who she later fired) and for throwing them under the bus during (restricting their use of force and giving rioters room to destroy) and after (publicly stating the police department was bad and allowed the DOJ investigation of the BPD).

    Civil service employees – changed the pension system.

    Residents – the crime and homicide rates are out of control. Doesn’t help that over the past month, hundreds of dirt bikers (riding a dirt bike in the city is illegal) have been gathering near Druid Hill Park blocking traffic and threatening motorists and Ms Space to Destroy has refused to allow police to enforce the law (she said this in a press conference when asked).

    I said she she was done the moment the protest started. She didn’t have her father (Pete Rawlings, who was a state politician) or her best friend O’Malley to advise her (she's not very smart) or help her clean up her mess. She pulled a “Tommy D’Alesandro” and decide not to run for reelection (Nancy Pelosi’s brother another coward who was mayor during the last riots, who declined to run for reelection)

  17. Mental issues 10:48 or mental retardation issues.

    SRB was always slow to answer and always construed that she was being verbally attacked by the Media when the Media ask her questions she didn’t want to answer giving the appearance that she was deficient in comprehension skills.

  18. She is running as VP with Biden!!!


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