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Thursday, September 24, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: At least 150 dead in Saudi Arabia stampede

Saudi officials say that at least 150 people were killed Thursday in a stampede near the Muslim holy city of Mecca, where an estimated 2 million people are undertaking the hajj pilgrimage.


  1. Just like lemmings. This happens every single year I can remember. You might as well cut and paste this for the forseable future.

    You take simple minded people like that and all it takes is one "boo" and there's a stampede. I thought Islam was all about peace.

    I don't ever remember a stampede at a Billy Graham crusade.

  2. Ain't the muslims great!!!

  3. As much as they care about what happens over here when we have a disastrous event - is how much I care about the 'slimes!

  4. Well, it's a good start. Um, was it a stampede of people, or holy cows?

  5. I guess it's less messy than blowing yourself up. Morons.

  6. It was Allah's will.


  7. Now its up to 450 😀

  8. Good, maybe they'll have more stampedes.

  9. Lock those camels up.

  10. Hell is running out of virgins.

  11. I need to stop reading the comments on this site, because it blows my mind how utterly ignorant people are. The death of 150+ people is not something to be celebrated. I would put good money on none of you who have commented so far actually knowing a single Muslim. Then again, as narrow-minded and bigoted as you seem to be, my guess is they wouldn't want to know you, either. I'm Christian, with numerous Muslim friends (had the privilege of working in Malaysia for awhile and actually getting to know several Muslims), and not a single one of them wants me dead or any of the other crap people on this page are constantly spouting off about.


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