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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Boehner Will Rely on Democrats to Pass CR

House Speaker John Boehner said on CBS’s "Face the Nation" that there will be no government shutdown—thus signaling that the House of Representatives he will lead until the end of next month will not send the Senate a continuing resolution that Democrats there would filibuster because it prohibits funding of Planned Parenthood or that President Barack Obama would veto for the same reason.

In response to a follow-up question from host John Dickerson, Boehner said he was "sure" the funding bill he will put through the Republican-majority House will need Democratic votes to pass.

The law currently funding the government will expire on Wednesday, the last day of fiscal 2015.

Dickerson of CBS asked Boehner: “Four days, the government runs out of money. Is there going to be a shutdown?”

“No,” said Boehner.



  1. He is a crying treasonous pos.

  2. Oh, let it shutdown. That term is meaningless anyhow. Just paid vacation for all gov't workers.
    So we can't visit Nat'l parks. It will pass.
    (Admittedly, I hate the thought of them getting paid for doing nothing, but isn't that what goes on anyhow?)

  3. Oh, let it shutdown. That term is meaningless anyhow. Just paid vacation for all gov't workers.So we can't visit Nat'l parks.8:51

    No, that is wrong. Thousands of private businesses are hurt even more when the parks and whatever government else is shut down. You and others like you are very short sighted. I would never vote for people responsible for a government shut down. the last time it was certain
    Republicans and this time it will likely be the same American private business hating people.


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