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Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Beach Patrol: O.C. Drowning Preventable

A man who went into the ocean is missing and a little girl died after she went swimming in Ocean City over the holiday weekend.

Captain Butch Arbin of the Ocean City Patrol tells WBAL NewsRadio 1090 that both incidents were preventable. Both victims went swimming when lifeguards were not on duty.

Arbin says the 8-year-old was apparently knocked down by a wave and pulled out by a rip current at the Inlet.

"She was located off shore. The currents around the Inlet jetty because of the back Bay emptying out are pretty strong," says Arbin.



  1. The inlet, with its strong currents and easy access shoul have a guard posted before and after normal hours. The fact that guards leave that area at 5:30 in the summer is crazy. There are scores of people still enjoying the beach there for hours after 5:00.

  2. It's the ocean people, not a pool.

  3. I was there Saturday and I noticed a guy struggling in the water. I went up to the lifeguard and said " I think a man is having difficulty in the water " the lifeguard looked up and said "yeah we are watching him" and then went back to talking to another lifeguard.. I was so angry by their lack of concern and their rudeness to me. I was just trying to be a good person but apparently they wanted no contact with the public...

  4. 11:36--
    Did you stop to think that they have a better idea than you when someone is in trouble? These guys & girls go through a lot of training to be a lifeguard. Perhaps the conversation was about the guy in the water? The response didn't seem rude to me.

  5. Please contact the Willards Elementary school and see how you can help this local family during such a tragedy.

  6. A thank you or even looking up from his phone would have been more appropriate. The 3 lifeguards were talking about something on their phone and not the man struggling. I have lived at the beach my whole 50 years of life and I know how lifeguards should preform their jobs. On the roughest water day of the year they all sat in the one guard box set back from the water together and not the 2 other stands close to the water about 30 feet away. They are there to be alert and watch swimmers not their phones

  7. Ah yes, another person who knows how other people should perform their jobs. Maybe you should post yourself there and do it for them, 5:59.

    Funny how all these tragedies happen when the lifeguards aren't there and they do hundreds of rescues a day on busy weekends... but you go ahead and tell us how they ought to have done something despite the fact that they were right and you were wrong.

  8. Oh please just because I don't do the job doesn't mean I don't know how the job is suppose to be done. I am sure you are not employed by every vocation on the planet yet know where and when things are not appropriate in the workplace. And FYI they were not right another swimmer assisted him out of the water.


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