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Sunday, September 20, 2015


Baltimore has just rewarded the family of  Fredie Gray 6.4 million dollars for raising a scumbag son. Gray had a criminal record, on drug charges and minor crimes. Gray had been involved in 20 criminal court cases, five of which were still active at the time of his death, and was due in court on a possession charge on April 24. In February 2009, he was sentenced to four years in prison for two counts of drug possession with intent to deliver and was paroled in 2011. In 2012, he was arrested for violating parole but was not sent back to prison. In 2013, he returned to jail for a month before being released again.

Gray had a lengthy arrest record with convictions dating back until at least 2007, according to the Maryland Department of Justice. Not all of the arrests led to convictions, in many of the cases he pleaded guilty to one charge while the others were dropped. Details of when he spent time in prison are not immediately available. His arrest record includes at least 18 arrests….his 2015 record is especially telling of what a great individual he was.
  • March 20, 2015: Possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance
  • March 13, 2015: Malicious destruction of property, second-degree assault
  • January 20, 2015: Fourth-degree burglary, trespassing
  • January 14, 2015: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute
  • December 31, 2014: Possession of narcotics with intent to distribute
  • December 14, 2014: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • August 31, 2014: Illegal gambling, trespassing
  • January 25, 2014: Possession of marijuana
  • September 28, 2013: Distribution of narcotics, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, second-degree assault, second-degree escape
  • April 13, 2012: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, violation of probation
  • July 16, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession with intent to distribute
  • March 28, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • March 14, 2008: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to manufacture and distribute
  • February 11, 2008: Unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance, possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • August 29, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, violation of probation
  • August 28, 2007: Possession of marijuana
  • August 23, 2007: False statement to a peace officer, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance
  • July 16, 2007: Possession of a controlled dangerous substance with intent to distribute, unlawful possession of a controlled dangerous substance (2 counts)


  1. They may of raised a scumbag,but those that killed him should of never killed him.He probably would of gotten shot by another black oneday.Now they because of their poor decision the family is wealthy.

  2. Only in Merica I guess if you watch the wire he could've easily made that much supplying the demand for heroin on the streets of bodymore murdaland

  3. Those that killed him ? 7:28 you are a pathetic example of black lives matter. Freddie Gray has been dead since he was born like most of the hood.

  4. Ashamed of the police that killed him

  5. No proof has been shown that the police killed him! They haven't even begun their trials yet! How can they get a fair trial now at all? Where did Baltimore come up with all this money to pay this family, but needed help to rebuild the city? I had nothing to do with killing this hood rat so my taxes shouldn't have to pay this family!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. police didn't kill him.

  7. 8:25 AM, give it a break. The cops should not even be on trial here, but since they are, you are finding them guilty already. Pathetic.

    1. Why are they pathetic? Because they won't stand with that thin blue line ? You know that line that cops stagger every day from criminals to good guys? Fact is that keeping anyone in a van for that long without checking on them period....regardless if Freddy hurt himself, is negligent. All prisoners should be checked on within every hour. Every guard in every jail and prison will tell you that. Cell checks every hour. I'm a prison guard and know that the cops are liable in that sense at the minimum. Truth is every cop crosses the line. They're human. They have emotions. They have pride. When those get messes with then like all humans ,mistakes are made.

  8. It will be proven that he killed himself with self inflected injuries while bouncing himself around in the van. Remember he was stoned on drugs and could feel no pain.

    1. How can u prove a person on drugs feels no pain? He had pre existing injuries but still cops are liable. Just like if you have a pre existing injury and get in an accident. Should the person at fault for the accident not pay for the doctor because you had a pretty existing injury? Hell yes they pay. It could've been worsened by the accident. The cops knew he had medical issues. They failed to check on him . do many ways they're wrong. I'm not saying the cops killed him..I'm saying that they could've laid better attention to him once in custody and saved him.

  9. Keep in mind that a lot of the charges were dropped because Freddie was a snitch.

  10. 10:07-It would be the smart of you to fact check before making ridiculous untrue statements. You add nothing productive to the conversation when you are so uninformed.
    Let me set you straight. They did check on him numerous times (at least 4 and I think 5 in less than an hour, about 40 minutes.) Not only did they check on him but contrary to what that lying Mosby stated a medic was called prior to him being taken to the station. If you knew your facts the driver was originally to take him to Central Booking. There was a mix up with the paramedic dispatch so they instead met the paramedics at the Western District Station. There is radio/dispatch recording proving this.
    It would be best for all to not pay much mind to anything that comes out of Mosby's mouth. She is a liar who has corrupting running through her blood. She is from a family of dirty, corrupt, criminal cops something she so conveniently forgot to mention to anyone but was dug up by a reporter who was tipped off and petitioned for their employment records.

  11. 10:54 He wasn't worth saving. Period!

  12. Freddie Gray killed himself. He was combative. Even the person who made the famous video said he heard him screaming and saw him "rocking" the van a block away from where Freddie was loaded into it. It's on his video. The video is going to be more of a plus to the defense in this case because of this.
    For his own protection they placed him in leg restraints and placed him prone on the floor of the van. This is the best and the accepted position for someone combative and suspected of being on drugs because if seated while in hand cuffs they can still bang their heads on the wall behind them at the minimum and maybe even a side wall.
    Everyone needs to lay on the ground on their stomachs w/hand behind their backs and feet together and try and stand up. It's nearly impossible. None of the officers could possibly know that Freddie was a magician who could succeed with this feat.
    The bottom line is that if he had laid in the position he was placed, the safest for him due to his own actions he would be alive today. There is no question about it at least to rational people.

  13. "The cops knew he had medical issues"

    They did 10:54? Really?
    What ever happened to personal responsibility. If in fact Freddie did have a pre existing injury then why did he run, why did he resist being arrested, why did he stand after being place face down in the van? Why is everyone else supposed to be responsible for others stupidity?
    He was on heroin. It's unknown if his level of tolerance prevented him from feeling pain. He may have felt pain but for a lot of people on heroin pain becomes insignificant while high. In other words they can have serious injuries but due to being high the pain is ignored and other behaviors take over like aggression.

  14. Another Thug criminal much like Michael Brown in Ferguson. Why after a lifetime of criminal activity that these black men decide that their rights have been violated? Does it matter that their past criminal activity violated a lot of people's rights. They are not hero's just criminals who until their death's continued to challenge the law. The families of these deceased criminals should not be rewarded, they had a part in their inherited behavior.

  15. I'd love to see court costs and any fines from all his convictions, at the very least, deducted from that amount.

    There'll be some big weaves 'n bling happening next week, but methinks the "git money" crew will thin themselves out a bit by the time that ghetto fortune finishes swirling down the sewer.

  16. 2:51 That's why predominately black neighborhoods aren't fit for cockroaches. They have no morals and are too dumb to see that it's terrorist like Brown and Gray who are making the neighborhoods urban war zones. There is just no hope for them. They were born with an inherent blame gene instead of doing the right thing. For this they deserve nothing more than to continue to wallow in their cesspools of crime and poverty. It's all about taking responsibility for yourself personally, something they know nothing about and that is why very few succeed and go on to be self sufficient productive citizens. Their lack of morals and honesty also prevent them from admitting this.

  17. why do some people think it is acceptable for someone to be killed simply because they have a criminal record? and gray had a minor one at that. some of you people are the pathetic ones.

  18. 11:46 because people with lengthy criminal records like Gray serve no useful purpose here on earth. They are terrorists who go around selling their poisons and terrorizing neighborhoods in other ways, which in turn makes the neighborhoods urban war zones. If you think they deserve to live then you pal, have a huge problem and you really need to do some serious soul searching. You and your ilk are drenched in the blood of the children who are shot dead in the crossfire.
    Hell awaits you where you will get to see your beloved Freddie Gray and the other thugs who you support and excuse if you don't get on your knees and repent and get back to God in a REAL way!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:46 because people with lengthy criminal records like Gray serve no useful purpose here on earth. They are terrorists who go around selling their poisons and terrorizing neighborhoods in other ways, which in turn makes the neighborhoods urban war zones. If you think they deserve to live then you pal, have a huge problem and you really need to do some serious soul searching. You and your ilk are drenched in the blood of the children who are shot dead in the crossfire.
    Hell awaits you where you will get to see your beloved Freddie Gray and the other thugs who you support and excuse if you don't get on your knees and repent and get back to God in a REAL way!

    September 15, 2015 at 7:42 AM

    wow, you have some serious issues.


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