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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Admits $6.4M Freddie Gray Payout Was to Prevent More Riots

Cites "potential liability that could come with an unfavorable jury verdict"

The Mayor of Baltimore acknowledged in a press conference today that the taxpayer-funded $6.4 million dollar payout to the family of Freddie Gray was partly a measure to prevent further riots.

Baltimore was gripped by days of rioting at the end of April in response to the death of Gray, who died while in transport in a police vehicle. During the unrest, over 300 businesses were damaged and 27 stores looted, leading to the declaration of a state of emergency and the deployment of the National Guard.

“Faced with the prospect of significant legal expenses involved in an extended federal lawsuit as well as the potential liability that could come with an unfavorable jury verdict, our city’s attorneys came to the conclusion that the $6.4 million is in the best interest of protecting taxpayers,” said Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.



  1. Unreal its not like the money is coming out of tax paying THUGS ?.

  2. They're going to riot again anyway....no way Mosby'll get a conviction!

  3. This is blatant currupttion. His drug addicted mother does not even have a clue what is going on. William "BillY" Murphy and about a half dozen other people are getting paid. This has nothing to do with Freddie Gray. It has all to do with a Mayor who thought she and her cohurts could steall millions in money they thought would be paid after the riots. Surprise surprise bitch no one fell for it. It is easy to hide left in overages and other ficticous accounts when you are talking about hunderds of millions in aid. Like Katrina, like Haitii.. Common denominator Blacks running the show handling the money.

    The whole deal in Batltimore has been a scam from day one. Mosby and Blake are all part of the Black Mafia that runs Charm City. Black Lives Matter less and less.

  4. Mosby is a terrible mayor. What a cowardly decision. This is like paying extortion money. Bad as the "give them room to destroy" decision.

  5. This is what happens when stupid people get voted into positions they have no business being in.

  6. You mean the riots YOU promoted mrs mayor?

  7. Why didn't they just split the 6.4 million among 200 patriots who would have no problem making sure there weren't any more riots.
    Dose ANYONE in that Gray family have (or have EVER had) a job or a house they have bought? They looked drunk in court.
    Now, make them pay back all that welfare money, just like a lottery winner on welfare does. And they DID hit the lottery this time.
    Now, we BRIBE thugs and lowlifes NOT to cause trouble??
    As a taxpayer, I'm pi*****!!!
    Keep cheering.

    1. I thought New York was the only state that deducts welfare payments received from a lottery winner's prize.

  8. Baltimore is the next Detroit. She knows this is the wrong thing to do. They all have an angle and she is just taking care of her people's.

  9. Like I said before if you strip away the lawyer speak, they would have lost if it went to trial and you taxpayers would be paying twice that. Corral your cops.

  10. The mayor, and whoever else, was involved in this settlement deal should have their heads examined. How will giving the family money keep the low lifes from protesting/rioting.
    Mosby, the prosecutor, is none to bright either.
    I know there are people that think the mayor and Mosby are the best thing since apple pie. I am not one of those people

  11. if the victim had been white there wouldn't have been any payout and no cops arrested that's just the way society is these days

  12. Why should they care? It's not coming out of their paychecks. It's coming out of the taxpayers pockets! And probably from all those fines and court costs that we hear are racist. Guess they're going to push the cops to get more of those- and then prosecute them when they do!

  13. They've got a taste of that big check, and the rest of the vultures are on their way for "their share". They looked like a bunch of slack-jawed troglodytes after a hard night at the clubs. But watch for the media makeover of the entire cast of characters as this latest "unreality show" hits the bright lights with their newfound fame, basking in the glory of Black Victimness. Same stereotyped characters, same lines. Same theme, same agenda-driven product of the Crisis Relations Management team their lawyer has hired to create the storyline that will draw the most viewers, the most gullible supporters, and the most lucrative opportunities to cash in on the fictional narrative.

    There'll be someone trained and coached to play the "grieving father and devoted partner" of momma, who'll be sporting hubcap sized earrings, a jazzy new 'do slicked down and tight, and a big name handbag to carry all those crying tissues in. The usual supporting players will chime in, Jesse "Pay Me" Jackson, Al "Black Male Blackmail" Sharpton, and a whole mob of the wildly bereaved, so utterly devastated by the brutal death of this beloved pillar of the black community, the innocent waif so cruelly snatched from the vibrant, productive life he led amongst his adoring peers.

    Yep, same reality circus, same old story.

    Turn the channel, better yet, turn them off.


  14. Back in November of 2013 a 31 yr old African American male was murdered. His name was Raymond Lee Gordon and he was Baltimore victim No. 210 for the year. He died in SE Baltimore after a bullet tore through his bod. No one has been charged with his murder.
    He was Freddie Gray's half brother. According to Freddie Gray's sister, Pretty MissyMiss on her Facebook page, "same mother different father".

  15. lmclain, actually the sisters Fredricka and Carolina did purchase a home at one point (lead paint settlement) but eventually lost it to foreclosure.
    The mother Gloria Darden is a heroin abuser. She's getting 5 mil plus, father Freddie Sr is getting 600,000 plus and $400,000 is going to the Estate of Freddie Gray which will be going to pay for his week long stay in U of MD Shock Trauma.
    (Put that in perspective, about a week in Shock Trauma is about $400,000. This is what the tax payers are paying each and every time someone gets shot and is critical.)
    Of course the lawyers will take a cut. That figure is unknown at this point but for reference, when the insurance companies were paying out $250,000 in lead paint settlements like there was no tomorrow in Baltimore, the lawyers were taking $104,000 leaving the plaintiffs with $146,000.

  16. Unless the Statute of Limitations is up, I may have hit the jackpot in Baltimore.
    In 1961 when I was 13 years old, I got slapped upside the head by a Baltimore cop after getting caught stealing 4 Clark Bars from my local drugstore.
    I've never forgotten the moment. I've "emotionally suffered" with this all my life. (I've also never shoplifted anything else in my life after that.)
    Obvious police brutality. I was unarmed, except for four Clark Bars.
    With interest, I may be able to beat that six million!
    Anybody that wants to riot with me for this cause will get a piece of the action.
    (Needless to say, I couldn't sit down for a few days after the cops took me home and alerted my dad about what I had done.)

  17. " Anonymous said...

    I thought New York was the only state that deducts welfare payments received from a lottery winner's prize.

    September 9, 2015 at 3:22 PM"

    This settlement is going to prevent the mother and the father from collecting welfare benefits of any kind. They are also going to have to pay taxes on it. Wait until they find out they have to pay for Obamacare instead of Medicaid picking up the tab.

    1. What's the chance they are going to actually report it, to the welfare office? Surely the welfare workers will have heard of the payout, but I would be very surprised if they connect the dots and cut off of welfare benefits.

  18. ALL cops call in Sick.

  19. I actually don't have a problem with this for several reasons, the best being this payout removes all civil liability that was facing the officers. They now do not have civil action to look forward to, depositions, testifying, etc.
    If the family would have pressed forward with civil federal court action, the city pays attorney fees-6 officers equals at the minimum 6 lawyers who will bill $600/per hour or more. The legal fees alone would have been well into the millions.
    The first payment of a million plus comes in a few days. The economy is going to see a boost as will the state lottery and the casinos. Most of it is going to go out just as fast as it came in.

  20. "Anonymous said...

    Like I said before if you strip away the lawyer speak, they would have lost if it went to trial and you taxpayers would be paying twice that. Corral your cops.

    September 9, 2015 at 3:04 PM"

    Really? What law school did you graduate from?
    Let's make something perfectly clear. If in fact, there was any chance in hell, any chance in hell, that they would have not only prevailed in court but would have walked away with "twice that" that's exactly where this would have been decided.
    A fool is born every minute and you were the one born that minute on the hour,day and year you were born 3:04.

  21. Follow the money very carefully. The mayor will be getting a cut of this settlement.

  22. "Like Katrina, like Haitii." says 2:34.
    There isn't one country in the whole world run by blacks that is self sufficient and lawful. Lawlessness is the norm in black run countries and they wouldn't be able to survive a week without money from the US and European nations. This is a sad fact that blacks really need to think about.

  23. 3:47

    that was awesome!!

  24. Just think of this as a stimulus package for Baltimore.

  25. Whites should now riot at the injustice of this, maybe also getting a pay out

  26. “The Onion” might as well go out of business. Reality has far surpassed anything they could come up with.

  27. The payout is in two parts to the family spaced a year apart. I imagine most of them will OD before they collect the second payout.

    1. Or sell the future pending lump sum to one of those companies that offer to buy future payouts and annuities to the greedy and irresponsible...for a few cents on the dollar.

  28. “avoids costly and protracted litigation”

    More to the point, it avoids sunlight.

    Surely today the B6 attorneys, are scrambling to schedule depositions of everybody from the city’s Law Department and Board of Estimates involved in the negotiations because as certain as night comes, Gray’s history of personal injury scams were part of the conversation.

  29. This was the endgame all along, the trial is just an afterthought. Payback for Billy Murphy, Gray family attorney and big time Mosby and SRB contributor.

    1. This is also called Reparations ask Obama he has been doing it x 7 yrs !

  30. She is to stupid to realize this won't prevent riots. IDIOTS!

  31. @3:04 'like i said'

    give me a break...

  32. After they get the money they will either be robbed or they will OD.Either way,they will piss it away.

  33. They cannot handle power or money.

    1. Most...but there are notable exceptions. And the ones that can...are quite conservative.

      Funny, that.

  34. Just need to put the thugs in their place when they start rioting, Beat them down lock them up strip them of citizenship and mass deport.

  35. The only way to keep them from rioting is to include al sharpton and the other "Race Baiters in the payoff. That's what it's all about anyway.

  36. Oh? How much is being given to prevent riots from whites? Yeah, whites don't riot.

    Never in my lifetime will I ever invest in a Baltimore neighborhood that is permitted to torch and destroy you investment. Let them take a bus to a safe neighood and back.

    This mayor has been just plain stupid as has the 19 yo buddy of hers.

    1. Until the residents of aforementioned safe neighborhood get tired of the thugs riding the bus into their part of town, thereby making it unsafe...and they move out too.

  37. Tainting the jury pool, one million at a time.


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