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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Are Culture War Losses Irreversible?

Many Christians in America have been discouraged and downhearted since the Supreme Court’s infamous June ruling in which the justices voted 5-4 to redefine marriage.

We have been told that “the ship has sailed,” that we have lost the culture wars and that it’s time to accept the new reality and move on.

But the recent sting operation against Planned Parenthood – with nine eye-opening, guilt-exposing videos released to date and with national sentiments turning rapidly against this abortion giant – reminds us that a Supreme Court decision hardly marks the end of the battle. In some cases, it actually marks the beginning.

When the Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade in 1973, pro-life forces were in disarray, yet they quickly mounted “a push for a constitutional amendment affirming that life begins at conception.”

But, Nina Martin reported in the New Republic, “that first effort fizzled, and it’s only in recent years that a new wave of pro-life activists – many of them born after Roe and educated in fundamentalist Christian settings – have once again seized on personhood as a way not just of weakening Roe, but of overturning it. In state after state, they have been pushing to have their beliefs enshrined in policy.” (Note that Martin is not pro-life.)

Did you catch that? Many of those leading the pro-life charge today were born after 1973 and were raised in conservative Christian settings. Why can’t the same thing happen when it comes to turning the tide of homosexual activism?

Read more here


  1. We've been losing because for many years we've been buckling under to the intimidation (and persecution) of the PC Gestapo.

    But many are now fed up with it and are taking a stand.. and we're starting to regain lost ground.

    I, for one, refuse to submit to them any longer. Who are they to tell me what I have to say and think? I will decide for myself what I will say and do.

    I will temper what I do with kindness and love, but I will do what I think is right, whether they agree or not.

    They don't have any more power than that which we surrender to them.

  2. We will move back towards the Church when people begin real suffering...Which is coming.

  3. Because there are just as many homosexuals now, both in the closet and out, as there were back then.

  4. Homosexual activists have been breaking laws in our country for almost 50 years to advance their agenda, and now all of a sudden, they demand everyone else obey the law, a law not passed by Congress, but a ruling delivered by the Supreme Court which is prohibited from making law. So, in the name of the law, activists undermine and destroy the rule of law, then make new law illegally, demanding the rest of us obey. Tyranny is the only word for it.


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