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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Another Viewer Writes: Crab Picking Contest

Apparently someone was caught cheating they had claw meat in the container.


  1. Nothing is pure any more. Morals are shot. Crab picking is a skill. The person should be barred for life. In my younger days they would have thrown the SOB over board. However Black Lives Matter even in CRAB PICKING CONTEST. Now lets see what happens.

  2. No so, says the accused.

  3. We should send them to jail for this , it should be a felony , now if you want to e-mail our enemies it's OK , right Hillary , you have taught us to steal and rob without caring.

  4. God forbid they put some claw meat in with the other , shame , shame.

    1. They had the claw meat hidden on their person. This was added!

  5. We need a doping agency to step in to see if they were on roids.

  6. Whats wrong with claw meat in with the backfin?

  7. I always thought claw meat was still crab meat, WTH?

  8. The Obama world that we live in today, no integrity at any level.

  9. The derby was a disaster this year, no leadership or organization.

    1. Yes it was. No trophies, really!! Nothing like waiting to the last minute. Surprise Labor Day comes every year.

  10. Wow oh wow. Does this surprise anyone? It is Somerset County. They can't even pick crabs honestly. They have this big party for three days and that is all it is a big party . They dont seem to care about the real meaning of Labor Day. All your so called professionals such as teachers post their pictures of their drunkard days and evenings and then expect the parents and teachers to have respect for them. It is ridiculous and I cannot believe it is condoned by the BOE. If they believe showing their fat backsides and cleavage is appropriate then why are you sending your kids to a private Christian school. You can teach in the county but you dont want your kids going to school there. Then you have your elected officials or their spouses with post on Facebook that are degrading and an embarrassment to the county. Really people do you pay attention to what you are posting. You are suppose to be an example and you are showing our youth that it is ok to be vulgar and uncouth. You even use your grandchildren in these post. Who cares what bar you are patronizing or what you are doing at every minute of the day. Get a life and if you worked more on your county as you did partying maybe it would not be one of the poorest counties in the State of Maryland . Sorry about the rant but I am so sick of hearing and seeing this bunch of crap from these wannabe's.

  11. I agree 10:05AM. Went down for the Ms. Crab Claw Friday night and paid admission to get into the Crab Bowl around 7:30PM. We caught the last two Crisfield Idol singers, then nothing. The Ms. Crab Claw just didn't happen. No announcements or anything, just everyone kept sitting around waiting in the dark. They were more than happy to take our money though then were no where to be seen 10 minutes later when people were looking for refunds.

  12. Is the claim of cheating that claw meat was simply picked as opposed to lump? Or is it suspected that the person brought extra meat in with them (containing claw meat - which was the tip off) and dumped it in with their picked meat?

  13. So many uniformed people. The claw meat was brought in by the contestant. In other words for the less educated she cheated. Probably a great shoplifter also.

  14. Names please. Anyone who cheats at an event like this needs to be public humiliated.

  15. No pride or integrity in that county. NONE! Cheating at a crab picking contest. OMG. Was Scott Tawas involved? He has taught his native Crisfielders well.

  16. Woa! 10:33. You must be talking about Danny Thompson, Somerset's EDC director who socializes with renewable energy developers. He does not care that these industries lower residents property values and increase their electricity rates. Right now, 1.5 miles of productive farmland is about to be paved with solar panels and he is working backroom deals to have all the excess poultry manure shipped to Somerset. That is over 200,000 tons annually to be processed into biofuels that our military will pay over $25 per gallon for. That's not the worst thing though, the process only reduces is by half and produces poisonous gas. And sh** will be smelling up the place while it is stockpiled waiting to be processed. Somerset needs an EDC director who values their natural resources and has long-term vision. Believe me...this guy ain't it.

    1. 11:27 his social life is more important than business. I am surprised he has any time to work, oh wait he doesn't. Lot of work fooling family and friends. Just when you think people don't see you they do Danny Thompson. Yes they di!

  17. I know a lot of people in Somerset County and many I like BUT 10:33 hits the nail on the head. Some of these people need to get a grip on their lives. They are an embarrassment to my profession as a dedicated teacher with pride and integrity. I would never allow myself to be photographed, let alone allow it to be placed on social media, showing such distasteful actions. We are examples to our students and believe me they see this stuff. You are sending very poor messages to our youth. What ever happened to professionalism?

  18. Again as someone said it is Somerset County. Nepotism, crude behavior and cheating rule. The little man learns it right from the County Commissioners to the elected officials. What do you expect? Good enough for them why not the little man. Another disgraceful moment added to the Somerset County memoirs.

  19. Why in the world would John Phoebus post this embarrassment of cheating at a crab picking contest on his Facebook page? Again it is just what 10:33 was talking about. It is a pure disgrace. These people really have way to much time on their hands. I could care less where you are drinking or eating and who you are doing it with. I guess they are needing the attention when actually you are pathetic.

  20. Simple solution would have been to disqualify the culprit(s). Why was that not done? We will need Al Sharpton next year.

  21. Salisbury should thank Crisfield for making da 'Bury look half decent. Hard work, but somebody's got to do it.

  22. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Names please. Anyone who cheats at an event like this needs to be public humiliated.

    September 6, 2015 at 11:06 AM

    if you're that nosy it can be found online

  23. Thieves, Thugs, dishonesty and backwoods people, that sums up Crisfield

  24. As far as claw meat is concerned. They don't pick the claw meat during these contests. It takes to much time.

  25. Lmao...and the fat slob didn't go so he could cover this. Awesome. I bet he is turning circles in his hover round.

  26. Crisfield has potential but lacks leadership. Previous mayor PJ and the inspector Noah ran middle income people out of town with sky-high taxes and fees while property values were plummeting. Now the new mayor and manager are continuing the same. When the 320' wind turbine is up and emitting infrasound, it will take down property values near the depot and Hall Highway. I hope the sound and shadow flicker does not travel as far as Cullen Parkway because those people are not even in town limits.

  27. I just read that on the Blubber Bloggers Blog. He has his blog set for "Guest Only" and he is to stupid to realize he has no guests or friends.

  28. Anonymous said...
    The derby was a disaster this year, no leadership or organization.

    September 6, 2015 at 10:05 AM

    This has got to be the Blubber Blogger whining about not getting a free press pass. He did a whole write up on this.

    Joe this is proof that he still stalks your blog.

  29. 10:33 You may have something there-private schools are seeing record enrollments,and it is not just county teachers who send their kids there either.It's got nothing to do with the crab picking controversy.

  30. Wow with the way the crab picking event went Kristy Hickman should have been the judge!

  31. You are right 2:33 but I think it has a reflection on the county and what it is saying. It says I can teach your kids but mine are too good to go the same school that I teach in. So my tax dollars are paying your salary which in turn you are paying HGSC for your child's education. Then you should go teach at HGSC. That would settle the issue. And I know it is not for religious reasons , that is VERY obvious.

  32. It's the mentality of Somerset County. Poorest county in the State of Maryland. Cannot even pick crabs without controversy and disgrace.

  33. 2:17
    He is a blogger and not press. He hold no press pass he even said he didn't want to drive all the way up to Baltimore to get it. He gets enough of a free ride. I'm glad they told him no.

  34. they didn't want to disqualify "hurricane Hazel" because she is an icon and unofficial mascot of the hard crab derby. But facts are facts, there was claw meat in her container and she didn't pick any claws. therefore it must have been on her person. I feel she is getting old and didn't want to lose. Sad really.

  35. If you are a Democrat, what difference does it make?

  36. wow...im surprised there still is a Crisfield......CRAB LIVES MATTER

  37. Just want to say, despite all the negative comments, my family had a great time at Crab Derby. Concert was great and the Boat Docking contest was fantastic. Looking forward to fireworks tonight. Was nice to see our little town filled with happy people this weekend.

  38. I had a friend from Crisfield who I always respected and thought a lot of. Then last Summer I was talking to Jim Mathias in Crisfield and he walked up and started drooling all over himself over Jim. After Jim left this clown was speaking highly that everyone would be crazy if they didn't vote for Jim. I saw this guy several times later and we talked politics in small talk and come to find out this idiot is a die hard Democrat just like most of them are. This guy who I thought a lot of was Kim Lawson, Mayor of Crifield. He is really an idiot. Have you people lost your freaking minds? Typical Democrats vote for whoever gives them the most hand outs.

  39. 10:33 says, "who cares what bar you are patronizing...?"

    That must be you 10:33 since you seem to know all about it and other people who think like you do too. I don't have a face book account and I don't want one. Too many times social media is not a good thing.

    As for public shaming only mentally sick people engage in that but social media has made it easy.

    I am not from Somerset and I acknowledge they are challenged in many ways but there is no place that does not have its challenges including but not limited to Wicomico and Worcester.

    Everybody wants to do well and be successful despite shortcomings. Making fun of others is not cool.

    As for the public school teacher sending their children to schools other than public schools that is sometimes the case in many homes in many places. The reason for this can be varied but as simple as parents educated and employed as public school teachers want their children taught in what they consider a Christ centered system because of their own religious beliefs. If they teach in public schools it is because they are capable, believe they can make a positive contribution, and they are not financial fools.

  40. Once more,the schools system has nothing to do with the crab picking contest.Stick to the subject.

  41. Anonymous said...
    I had a friend from Crisfield who I always respected and thought a lot of. Then last Summer I was talking to Jim Mathias in Crisfield and he walked up and started drooling all over himself over Jim. After Jim left this clown was speaking highly that everyone would be crazy if they didn't vote for Jim. I saw this guy several times later and we talked politics in small talk and come to find out this idiot is a die hard Democrat just like most of them are. This guy who I thought a lot of was Kim Lawson, Mayor of Crifield. He is really an idiot. Have you people lost your freaking minds? Typical Democrats vote for whoever gives them the most hand outs.

    September 6, 2015 at 5:52 PM

    He is a Liberal TURD!!

    Anyone who would vote for any Democrat these days are idiots!!

  42. "Anonymous said...

    I just read that on the Blubber Bloggers Blog. He has his blog set for "Guest Only" and he is to stupid to realize he has no guests or friends.

    September 6, 2015 at 2:14 PM"

    This because in the words of Donald Trump in his response to O'malley apologizing for saying all lives matter, BB is a "disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby."
    In the case of BB, he can't hang with the big league like Sby News and as usual he's a quitter. He quit riding his bike, he was taking some classes and he stopped. Quitter. Blogs are back and forth and if not for comments a blog will wither away to no viewers. Typical BB, doesn't stick with anything except eating of course.

  43. 2:14
    Less work for him. If you close comments on a blog.....is it really a blog? Isn't a blog suppose to allow people to show their views and feelings. I guess he feels people are just coming there to read his opinion on things? Why? What has he ever done or accomplished? NOTHING! He can't even support himself, financially or physically .

  44. 2:14
    Less work for him. If you close comments on a blog.....is it really a blog? Isn't a blog suppose to allow people to show their views and feelings. I guess he feels people are just coming there to read his opinion on things? Why? What has he ever done or accomplished? NOTHING! He can't even support himself, financially or physically .

  45. It's a shame about the contest but for the rest of you stay the hell out I somerset county we will be just fine!

  46. What is really sad is that this is considered news in the first place.

  47. Were NOT the rules explained before the event started?? And if any were caught doing something wrong they would automatically disqualified. Rules are rules, and for as long as this event has been going on at Crab Derby those pickers should have well been aware of the conquences of CHEATING. What a shame for all the others that were honest. Just remember "ONE BAD APPLE" can SPOIL the whole bunch!!!!

  48. Letter to the Editor

    Here is some more Bullsh!t that John Fredericksen allows to go on in the school system. It is Labor Day and I can't even spend the last weekend of the Summer with my family on a 3 day weekend get away. Our weekend was planned for soccer Friday, Saturday and Monday with no regard for this being a the last holiday weekend of the Summer. Did I mention that schools were closed this weekend? This is absurd and the Wicomico County Board of education does nothing about it. School is closed today and our kids have to go to a mandatory soccer practice. Then we have to do a soccer picnic. I would rather have a Labor Day Picnic with friends and family that already made an invitation. We have no choice if we want our kids to play sports at Parkside High School. Our entire weekend was planned for us by the school teacher coach. This is absurd I must say. I've talked to many other families and they are not happy about it either, but if we fail to attend our kids won't be playing sports. Whoever allowed this should be fired.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous said...

    I just read that on the Blubber Bloggers Blog. He has his blog set for "Guest Only" and he is to stupid to realize he has no guests or friends.

    September 6, 2015 at 2:14 PM"

    This because in the words of Donald Trump in his response to O'malley apologizing for saying all lives matter, BB is a "disgusting, little, weak, pathetic baby."
    In the case of BB, he can't hang with the big league like Sby News and as usual he's a quitter. He quit riding his bike, he was taking some classes and he stopped. Quitter. Blogs are back and forth and if not for comments a blog will wither away to no viewers. Typical BB, doesn't stick with anything except eating of course.

    September 6, 2015 at 9:06 PM

    I just went over there and he said no comments because he was tired of reading the anonymous comments so he is cutting them off for a couple of days. A relief for no comments? He wasn't getting any comments anyway. I think he is embarrassed that he made an ass out of himself running down the Crisfield Chamber. Then he thought by posting something they would change their mind and give him tickets. He said it wasn't about he admission fee and he was covering the event anyway. The he updated and said he wasn't going down their after all. Must have been about the money after all.

    You can tell he is reading this blog.

  50. Al Sharpton is on his way...

  51. what a GEM somerset county has the potential to be....sad

  52. 2:14 AM This is white privilege. Little things like this, little advantages all through life. When I read about stuff like this what it makes me think is that this is an "exclusionary" requirement. Teacher/coach, by requiring this has basically barred anyone who does not have a parent free to drive around all memorial day weekend. You may as well put on an income requirement for the parents to get on the team, because those of us who have to work on memorial day, we typically make a lot less than those who have the paid day off. Those of us who work the weekends usually have a less flexible boss than those who work weekdays when it comes to time off. Hell a child from a single parent household is even less likely to have a parent to take him to the soccer picnic.
    Why would a teacher do this? Diciplin problems for one, fundraising "tappability" of the parents for another.
    If a public school is going to fund, staff and equip a sports team, and colleges weight participation in these teams heavily, they should not make it any harder to attend a game/practice than regular school.

  53. JT probably closed his blog because people attending the Crab Derby were contradicting his negative comments.

  54. 7:44am if it was white privilege then why are all the black kids playing football right now? In all the schools and they make up the majority of the players on the teams.

  55. So, what's the big surprise? That's about par for Crisfield.

  56. UPDATE: A science supervisor's daughter calls her own Mom out for being an alcoholic along with her next husband-plethora of party picts on FB. The 2yr superintendent commented with his, lol? Which one drove the car less drunk? The good ole family system in full effect in Somerset. Irony Alert: when Dr. Miles was super she promoted & created jobs to hire her people, this white guy is doin the exact same thing. Quite a few new supervisors added and ain't it damn sweet when supervisors hubby is hired without job being advertised?? Somerset is failing the students time and time again with the saturated central office staff with six figure salaries? I choose to send my kids to Holly Grove where they havent forgotten their mission. Somerset's higher ups are no different than the local welfare recipients just collecting a check on other side of the pendulum, I refuse for my kids to be stuck in the middle! Cheers, lol!!

  57. 12:45 I am a HGCS parent as well and while it may be a struggle sometimes to come up with the tuition,I consider it an investment in my kids future.Their graduates have higher SAT scores than any of the shore's public high schools and there is no pettiness,nepotism or any of the other pitfalls you have with SCPS. Christ-centered academics,so there is little chance of seeing any of the instructors on Facebook drunk and obnoxious.Most of all,bullying is NOT tolerated and they still believe in school discipline,making students accountable for their actions.And they do all of this without being on the government grants trough.
    BTW,everyone was hell bent on getting rid of Dr.Miles,only to get a replacement who likes to party....Somerset County racism at its best.

  58. Dr. Gaddis is a strong leader who is working hard to improve Somerset County Schools and the outlook for its students. Somerset is fortunate to have him.
    We are also blessed with an excellent Christian school option like Holly Grove, but even there, you will find favoritism.
    I know because I witnessed it while my children attended.

  59. 3:23 HaHaa! Favoritism not in Somerset? Talk to me about central office high rollers/supervisors/directors/coordinators/chiefs whatever their kids/husbands/wife's getting positions as opposed to the interview process?

  60. Somerset county is a joke from its commissioners to its police; the crab pickers are an accurate depiction of the state of corruption and greed. Apparently the school system too what a shame education & children suffer.

  61. Ask Gaddis how much he pays for his boat slip at the marina? Favors like that require repayment, maybe he could judge the crab picking contest since he getting such a break?

  62. JT is a pathetic pompous excuse of a waste of good air. He always proclaims his LOVE of Crisfield but he 's the first person to fill his pathetic blog with anything to make them look bad. And he gets his information from a certain business owner, who coincidentally announced her dismissal of the Crab Derby because she couldn't have her way with the food vending. You can tell because his Crisfield pictures are always the same ones she has posted on her Facebook page. He called for the chairman to step down, but never offered to step up. I seriously doubt there is a long line of people begging for the position. I'm quite sure it's a hassle from start to finish to get everything done, and no one who volunteers for that much responsibility deserves to be treated that way. Crisfield's Crab Derby has definitely declined but it's not due to the lack of effort of the very few volunteers, but a combination of costs, logistics and just that perhaps the novelty has run its course. But kudos to all who tried to make it the best it could be under the circumstances. JT just needs to stay out of everyone's business.

  63. JT no longer accepts anonymous comments either, guess he got tired of blocking so many who oppose his beliefs. Was way off on the new PCPD chief as well, but I doubt we see an apology for dragging other candidates through the mud. What an astute "reporter" he is.

  64. @2:14 am,
    If you do not like the fact that there are mandatory practices outside of the days you like, perhaps do not encourage your children to play sports????It is a time consuming commitment and sometimes you can not do all the things you would like to do if you are committed to playing.


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