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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Alarm Sounded On VA 'Genetics' Survey

Constitutional lawyer: 'I find this very troubling'

A veteran and constitutional attorney who is suing the Veterans Administration for threatening to deprive some returning troops of their 2nd Amendment rights after classifying them as mentally incompetent is warning his fellow veterans of a new VA program designed to extract personal information that could be used against them.

The Million Veterans Program is a voluntary research program funded by the VA that is supposedly designed to study veterans’ genetics and health, writes attorney Michael Connelly, the executive director of the United States Justice Foundation

But Connelly warns that the veterans “are asked to not only provide information on their physical health, but also their mental and emotional health, and that of their family members.”

The request is significant, he contends, because of the VA’s distribution of letters to certain veterans, as WND was first to report, warning they could be declared incompetent, assigned an advocate to handle their affairs and stripped of their 2nd Amendment rights. The letters are the target of Connelly’s lawsuit.

Connelly said much of the information the Million Veterans Program wants is “similar to what the VA is using to have veterans declared incompetent to handle their own financial affairs and then have their names placed on the NCIS list by the FBI so the veterans cannot own or purchase firearms due to a ‘mental defect.’”

“As a veteran and constitutional lawyer I find this very troubling,” he said. “I encourage all of my fellow veterans to carefully read this questionnaire and consider whether you can reap any benefits from participating in this program."

More here

1 comment:

  1. Every time you go in to the VA for an appointment, they ask you questions about how you're feeling, have you been depressed, suicidal, etc.

    BEWARE how you answer.


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