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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Age of Obama: Low-Income Workers See Greatest Decline in Wages

You’ve got to admit it takes considerable cheek for the Left to whine about “income inequality” when it’s gotten worse than ever under the most left-wing President ever. It’s an illustration of both economic ignorance and political savvy, as the Obama Democrats protect themselves from one of their worst failures by complaining loudly about it and pointing fingers of blame at what remains of the private sector.

It’s a demonstration of how the Left still gets unlimited credit for its supposed intentions, no matter how its policies actually shake out.

Most disturbingly, it could be taken as yet another example of Big Government philosophy creating a problem that Even Bigger Government will be presented as the solution too. No true socialist sheds a tear at reports of the poor getting poorer. That’s a feature, not a bug. It means more people dependent on government, more votes for sale.



  1. The 'whining' by the lefties about the income gap is just political cover, and is actually designed to fan the flames of the fires they themselves have set.

    They KNOW what these policies are doing. They WANT a permanent underclass.

  2. Not just lower class but small business also.


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