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Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Carly and Marco Shine Bright in CNN Debate

Senator Rubio and Ms. Fiorina were easily the two best candidates in their answers and debate points.

She had the best one-liner, directed at Hillary: flying around the world is an activity, not an accomplishment.

Trump was more congenial this time, but at times arrogant or buffoonish.

Bush, Cruz, Kasich were fair to middling, Christie a bit better – he finished strong.

Bringing up the rear: Huckabee, Paul and Walker; each should hang it up without further ado.


  1. Santorium is another that should hang it up now.

  2. Where did Carson fit in with your review?

  3. Carson is not ready for prime time -- his support will soon shift to Ms. Fiorina.

  4. Rubio is a flipflopping Lier he was on a english speaking radio station talking about immigration andvthe next day he went on a spanish station saying the OPPOSITE. THING in Spanish.

  5. Rubio will say and do anything .

  6. Carly seemed to come across as angry each time she responded to a question. Her answers were sensible, but her attitude and tone were disturbing.

  7. 4;45 --

    Would you rather see her as a simpleton who is subservient to men?

  8. She certainly was the only one who could handle the Donald, made her look good.


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