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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

While on Vacation, Obama Criticizes Congress for Taking Vacation

President Obama returned from a two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday, but not before criticizing members of Congress for taking their own recess.

During President Obama’s weekly address released on Saturday, the president chastised Congress: “Unfortunately, Congress left town for five full weeks – and they left behind a stack of unfinished business.”

“For the first time ever, Congress failed to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. That left thousands of business owners and their employees at a serious disadvantage compared to their competitors overseas,” Obama said.



  1. And when he got elected he told Americans to stay away from Vegas.

  2. Can't make this up. How the hell did this inept POS get elected twice??


  3. He just reads the teleprompter. Anyone tuned into his radio addresses is already in a zombielike state of mind.

  4. Breaking News!

    Letter to the Editor

    This just in Joe, speaking of flights.

    You know how desperate the City is with balancing it's budget and how high the taxes are for the tax payers. And the Rain Tax on top of all that.

    Well the Salisbury Fire Department is at it again. Not only are they building a multimillion dollar mini mansion in the Ghetto of Station 16'a Taj Mahal in the Ghetto they are sending 4 of the Chiefs favorites on an all expense paid vacation again. Connect the dots, there is a pattern there.

    That's right the Salisbury Fire Department is flying at least 4 paid firemen to Atlanta Georgia for an all expense paid vacation on our dime for at least 4 to 5 days. They are flying down to Atlanta Georgia for the IAFC FRI 2015 - International Association of Fire Chiefs, Fire Rescue International Conference. Sort of like the all expense paid vacation some get in the Spring and FDIC in Indianapolis.

    Fire-Rescue International

    August 26 - 29, 2015

    Atlanta, GA

    Each August,thousands of the most prominent fire and emergency service leaders from across North America and around the globe come to FRI to learn, network and collaborate together.

    IAFC FRI 2015 - International Association of Fire Chiefs registration fees are at least $750 per person times 4 = $3000. That doesn't include the flight down which might be about $700 per person times 4 = $2,800.

    Then you have room and board which will be about $209 per night times 4 nights times 2 rooms. $836 times 2 equals $1672

    And networking events which is about $100 - $200. Another $800. Now the cost to eat which is about $75 per day per person. $600.

    Registration PDF form with prices


    That's right folks Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Jim Ireton and Jake Day just raped the fellow tax payers out of another $9,000 to $10,000

    Ten Thousand Dollars($10,000) wasted by Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Jim Ireton and Jake Day. Yes they raped you hard again. BTW how does your butt feel today.

    Oh did I mention that John Tull was Deputy Chief John Tull? Yes those 4 and the other three paid firemen don't mind raping the City of Salisbury tax payers because neither one of them pay taxes to the City of Salisbury!!

  5. 8:53 - POS uninformed voters - coupled with the Republicans not being able to come up with a real candidate for a good while.....Think about the RINO McCain when this POSOTUS first got elected - then voter apathy towards Romney when this POSOTUS got reelected.

  6. He can say this. After all he came back from his multi-million dollar vacay in the vineyard @ martha's.
    Wish he hadn't.

  7. President Obama returned from a two-week vacation on Martha’s Vineyard on Sunday, but not before criticizing members of Congress for taking their own recess.

    During President Obama’s weekly address released on Saturday, the president chastised Congress: “Unfortunately, Congress left town for five full weeks – and they left behind a stack of unfinished business.”

    “Congress also hasn’t passed a budget – and when they return from vacation, they’ll only have a few weeks to do so, or shut down the government for the second time in two years. They’ve had all year to do this. Months ago, I put forward a detailed plan to strengthen our economy and our national security in a fiscally responsible way. And for months, I’ve said I will veto any budget that locks in the sequester—those senseless cuts to domestic and national security priorities.”

    at 8/26/2015 09:07:00 AM


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