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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Trump Considering Carson and Cruz for His VP

The rumor mill is churning full force on who Donald Trump will choose for his VP. I have now heard leaks from both the Trump camp and from Cruz’s that Ted Cruz is being considered as a VP choice for The Donald. They met at Trump’s office in New York City last month and have met approximately four times outside of that meeting. The two are friends and have very nice things to say about each other. They agree on most issues, especially immigration. Ben Carson is also on the short list and Trump’s ex-aide, Roger Stone, is vetting Carson independently. This should be interesting. Can you imagine the meltdowns from both sides of the political aisle? It would be a brilliant political move. If Trump chooses Cruz, you would have a melding of the two most popular conservative campaigns out there and they would be virtually unstoppable as a team. The crowds would be staggering and the landslide win would be historic. As a bennie, it would just scare the living crap out of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Now that would be must-see TV.



  1. Carson bc he ia a good man and it will burn up the dems that a African rep american is Vp.

  2. More like Carson because with Trump its likely not a lot will get done and we cant get worse. Id like to see Christie; hed tell it like it is. He, and niether Trump really, has harmed NJ.

  3. Carson, 2 non politicians would be a novel approach.

  4. Would love to see Trump/Carson match up. Two "non politicians" in office would do wonders I believe.

  5. Carson is a good surgeon, no experience whatsoever in politics except making sure the insurance companies are going to pay through the nose for his services and then the insurance companies pass on the bill to their clients, and Ted Cruz's father was Cuban and a naturalized citizen in the US, however Ted was born in Calgary, Canada. Not sure but does that make Ted Canadian, or is he also a naturalized citizen of the US and if he is a naturalized citizen, the law says he can not run for VP or President of the US. The sad thing is the Republicans have no one running that would make a good president or vice president. I also think Christie and Perry are still under investigation for wrong doing. The Republicans need another Teddy Roosevelt, but that would never happen because he worked with the other parties and took the best out of them all and made good decisions.

    1. Trump/Carson..

    2. Wow, if that's not the liberal pot calling the kettle black. Your revered president Obama hadn't even finished his first term before running for president. We don't need "experienced" career politicians anymore, look where we are now because of them. I'd rather see Carson/trump. But I'll take them either way over what we have now in office or what the Democrats can offer this coming election. Open your eyes everyone, it's time for common sense and self accountability to return.

  6. Ted's mother was and is a US citizen and so is Ted. Ted did have dual citizenship because Canada bestowed it upon his birth but he has renounced it.

  7. With Trump as president we would have a president that is honest, and a first lady that is a lady not a pig in lipstick!

  8. Trump/Carson or Carson/Trump. Either way is fine by me.

  9. Carson grew up with nothing and wanted more for himself than to stay in poverty and stand on the street corner. He actually cares about people which Obama certainly does not. Screw the political correctness bs anymore. We need leaders that work for all people and try to ensure that America becomes what it once was.


  10. While in active practice Dr. Carson and his family spent time on Delmarva helping those less fortunate. He's walked the talk. He'd be an excellent choice.

    Carly could handle Prez or VP. Same with Walker, who has actually run governmental units successfully.

    Would prefer to see Cruz stay in Senate and move up into leadership so a Republican president would get well drafted legislation to sign.

    Perry has yet to really stand out but had superior record running TX.

    It's way early in the game...

  11. He won't need a VP selection because he will not win a single primary. Remember Rudy? Number 1 in the polls right up to the primaries, then lost every one until he dropped out. Deja Vu all over again...


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