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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To

Do you ever get that feeling like you’re surrounded by automatons, people who merely mimic life, without really living it?

Sheeple, as they may be called, are otherwise ordinary folks who’ve adapted particularly well to the workforce/consumer/obedience training agenda. They’ve been taught to be docile, foolish and easily led. They’re particularly keen at following mainstream narratives and adapting to group-think and group-behaviors. Almost criminally uninformed at times, they are predictable, obedient, gullible, and uninquisitive, always doing their part to sustain the cultural power dynamic by policing and enslaving themselves and staying focused on whatever tasks have been given them. The primary rewards for their acquiesence being comfort and the illusion of security.

Sheeple are everywhere, to be sure, but a tremendous counter movement is rising in opposition to this engineered madness. The amount of people waking up is truly inspiring, and a big part of this transformation is a growing awareness of just how much of what we do and what we think is not actually born of original thought, but rather instructed by cultural programs scripted by industry, government and the psychopathsat the helm of spaceship earth. Waking up from this is a certainty, once awareness of it kicks in.

Here are 3 things that sheeple do that you don’t have to…

1. Self-Sabotage

Like a vampire who must be invited to gain entrance into the home of his victim, much of the matrix is an invitation to indulge in self-destruction. It’s voluntary in many ways. Its traps are devised of appeals to ego, to tastebuds, to pleasure, and to our want of convenience and instant gratification… nothing we can’t live without. It sells things that taste sweet, at first, but ultimately prove impossible to quit and even more impossible to pay for.

Sheeple can’t say no, even when they know they are doing harm to themselves. They will consume whatever is presented to them, whatever is waved in their face the most frequently and the most fervently, consequences be damned. Sabotaging their own physical and mental health for the thrill of convenience and addiction to over-stimulation, sheeple will fall for just about anything. They’ll happily follow their tastebuds all the way to the doctor’s office, and gleefully sign credit card receipts until they’re totally sunken in debt.

But you don’t have to do any of this. You don’t have to work jobs you hate, you don’t have to watch television every night in a drooling daze. You simply don’t have to treat your body and mind with as much contempt as the controllers do. Your life is precious and worth protecting in every way possible.



  1. Most of this area is inhabited by sheeple. All the whites and blacks.

  2. Sheeple don't even know they are the rainbow warriors. The evil rainbow is here as predicted: A must read to be informed about the cult of evil among us...
    Constance Cumbey
    As an active Michigan lawyer,in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties of Michigan, USA ..the author of the first major critical book about the New Age Movement, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW: The New Age Movement and our Coming Age of Barbarism (1983); A PLANNED DECEPTION: The Staging of a New Age Messiah (1986). Currently, completing books about Javier Solana, the Barcelona Process, Israel and the European Union.

    1. No. the sheeple are the ones that trust the police. that 100% back the government always.

  3. And we are all dumcrats.

  4. Sheeples are preparing themselves for the September 2015 debacle being predicted.

  5. Wa wa wa put a pacifier in it!!!


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