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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

There’s Too Much Pro-Trump And Anti-Trump Venom. Can’t We Just All Agree We Don’t Like Jeb?

Anger in conservative politics is generally an overhyped phenomenon. When Republicans win at the ballot box, it’s supposedly all about anger. Conservatives like a talk radio host? It’s about anger. If Republicans complain about some debacle Obama is involved in, it has to be all about anger.

Most of the time, that’s bunk. However, if you want to see some real anger, start listening to conservatives talking about the Republican Party. The Republican Party is led by people who are habitually incompetent, dishonest, out-of-touch and corrupt. We gave them huge wins in 2010 and 2014 and in return, the leadership of the Republican Party has lied to us, acted as if we’re stupid and has done more to push Obama’s agenda than ours.

A lot of the conservatives who are justifiably angry about the performance of the Republican Party have gravitated towards Donald Trump’s campaign because despite his flaws, he’s strong where the Republican Party is weak. He’s not politically correct, he’s proven himself to be hyper-competent in business, he’s a fighter, he pays attention to the base, he talks about issues conservatives care about and he can’t be bought off.

Those are an attractive set of qualities to conservative Republicans and thus far, they have been enough to draw in about a quarter of Republican primary voters in a 17-man field.

That brings us to the debate on Fox.

Once again, you can read it all here.


  1. I can agree we don't like Jeb (or Christie, Graham). RINOs go home.

  2. What the conservative base needs to be careful of is a potential split from the Republican party...which WILL hand the White House to the crooked lawyer - or the socialist!

  3. 2:05 If it's Clinton v.s. Bush, as the Hildabeast so famously said "At this point what difference does it make?".


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