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Thursday, August 20, 2015

There Are So Many Illegal Guns In DC, The Mayor Is Paying $10,000 To Get Them Off The Streets

Murders in Washington, D.C., are up more than 35 percent this year and the city’s mayor, running short on ideas, has decided to pay criminals to hand over their illegal guns.

Mayor Muriel Bowser sent a letter to city residents Wednesday offering a reward of as much as $10,000 for information that leads to the recovery of an illegal gun.(VIDEO: DC’s Police Chief Accidentally Details What’s Wrong With Gun Laws)

“Illegal firearms are responsible for most homicides in the District. And illegal guns continue to make their way into the hands of violent criminals,” Bowser wrote. “Our police department is making progress – but they cannot do it alone.”



  1. Stupid liberal logic (or lack thereof). She doesn't figure how many weapons$10,000 will buy. Cheaper, more effective solution is to remove all the restrictions in place and let the citizens arm themselves. A responsible, trained population will take the upper hand from the punks, especially when a bunch of them get their due.

  2. Call Potus he lives their.

  3. If I read this correctly it is $2,500 per illegal handgun. And if they are able to trace the weapon back to a shooting, which results in an arrest and conviction, it goes up to $7,500.

    Best. Program. Ever.

    1. Purchase illegal handgun for !$150.

    2. Turn handgun in to program as "found".

    3. Profit!

    i think maybe "gun control" isn't so bad after all!!

  4. 12:22 has it right. The unregistered guns can be collected for free once the criminal has been shot during his crime, at no cost to the taxpayers.

  5. Wow I'm going to D.C. and turn one of my 18 guns in , I'll get 10,000 and buy 18 more. Stupid is as stupid does. Black mayors are the joke of the century .

  6. One thing they got right. Most crimes are committed with illegal guns!

  7. considering you can buy a gun on the street for a few hundred dollars...this is simply liberal stupidity.....but then I repeat myself.....

  8. How are those gun control laws going for you, DC? The guns aren't the things you should be rounding up.

  9. According to current DC laws, aren't ALL guns illegal just because they are located in DC?

    So, just bringing any gun from anywhere to DC and it qualifies for the program?

    So, my registered 9mm that I really am disappointed in that I bought at Gander Mountain for $500 is now worth $2500 and all I have to do is show up at the DC Cop Shop with it & turn it in?

    Then I can go out and buy the one I really wanted! Cool!

  10. I have an old Heritage .22 revolver that my father bought years ago. The firing pin is missing and the cylinder is bent. Can I turn it in and get $2,500?


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