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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Talbot firefighters to get end-of-year stipend

EASTON — Current Talbot County volunteer firefighters who served in 2014 and meet service qualifications are set to get a bonus stipend near the end of this year.

Talbot County, like other counties on the Eastern Shore, relies completely on volunteer firefighters, many of whom work other jobs to make a living.

The stipend is an effort started by the Talbot County Council. Council President Corey Pack said the council found $56,000 in extra funding in its fiscal year 2014 budget for the bonuses.

The funds will be distributed among fire departments in the county, and evenly to all volunteer firefighters who qualify. Stipends will go out based on the state’s point system, which is based on factors like volunteer time, the number of meetings attended and the number of calls firefighters responded to in 2014.

According to the Talbot County manager’s office, there are 305 firefighters eligible for the bonus, which works out to a little less than $185 per person.
“We’re excited about it. We’re happy we could do it, and it is just a small way that the county council wanted to say thank you to our volunteer firemen,” Pack said.



  1. This is abosolutely wrong. Anyone can meet the points system just by showing up and doing nothing but marking up that you were at the firehouse and didn't actually go to the fire. Even though there really weren't or are many fires.

    1. Happens every year. Regardless of money. Need those points for tax break. And alot of companies use points for voting and holding positions

  2. So they are now paid, with a tax break on top of it.

    1. You call 100 if lucky paid for a years worth of training, fuel to and from calls and meetings,missed time from work and countless hours away from home...... Paid? And the tax break is only 3k. Lay down you troll.


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