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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Strangers repaint 75-year-old man's house after teens' cruel comments

Every morning, Josh Cyganik gives Leonard Bullock a smile and a wave as he walks past the 75-year-old man's house on his way to work.

For four consecutive years, the 35-year-old track inspector for the Union Pacific Railroad has nodded to the Pendleton, Oregon, resident, who sits on his porch all day long, but not once has he ever said a word to the man.

Last month, he finally broke his silence.

As Cyganik stepped out to the curb to fill a garbage can, he overheard two teenage boys walking past Bullock's house yell, "Look at this crappy house. They just need to burn it down!"

As Cyganik glanced over, he saw Bullock with his head down.

"I couldn't believe what those kids had said," Cyganik told CBS News. "It was Leonard, this elderly, old man, who never hurt anybody a day in his life -- sits there all day long."



  1. This is the true meaning behind action... Sadly most of america doesn't know what action means or how to put it into motion... They just rather complain on blogs and the internet not accomplishing anything...

    1. You just complained in a blog about bloggers complaining on blogs!! Awesome

  2. Wonderful community and neighbors they did a good thing if the whole country adopted this even, one house per community per year think of what a difference we could make pride in the homes and a sense of belonging. Well done.

  3. 1:31 depends on who "they" are and if they are deserving. Old man, old lady, yes. Fake disabled, lazy unemployed, no.

  4. Would never happen here on the shore, too many dumps need repainting!

  5. That's because thousands of houses in the area are owned by about six wealthy slumlords is Salisbury. Lawyers, politicians, and businessmen.
    They just want the rent.
    Screw "beautification". Screw tenants. Screw the town. Screw what you think.
    Just make sure the rent is in my office by 1 pm.
    Pillars of the community.
    Keep cheering.

  6. "Would never happen here on the shore, too many dumps need repainting!"

    So, now's your chance to do something about it - just like the gentleman in the article. Unless, that is, you just want to sit in the AC and whine...

  7. 5:27 maybe you should read 5:26's comment and adjust your opinion accordingly.


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