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Monday, August 03, 2015

State Department Ordered to Obtain Answers

While Hillary Clinton’s lawyers are stalling Congress and “negotiating” the terms of her testimony before the Benghazi committee—an option not allowed to ordinary Americans like bankers, executives, or accountants, federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan has hit “refrigerator rule #6: Enough is enough.”

Earlier this week, federal Judge Richard Leon lambasted the State Department lawyers for their stonewalling. Now Judge Sullivan has chiseled a line in concrete. He has given the State Department only a week—until August 7—to get some answers from Hillary Clinton, and her top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills—under penalty of perjury.

Last night on NewsMax TV, I noted that Judge Sullivan recently reopened the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Judicial Watch to obtain emails from Huma Abedin, the top Clinton aide who is married to infamous and disgraced former Congressman Anthony Wiener. Judge Sullivan reopened the case when he learned that Clinton and her staff used personal email accounts to conduct government business. This is a flagrant violation of the Federal Records Act and jeopardizes national security—prompting rapidly escalating concerns of countless ramifications internationally, nationally, and criminally.

Just hours ago, in that very case, Judge Sullivan entered a remarkable order, and he has given the State Department only a week to comply.

Read more here


  1. smoke and mirrors... smoke and mirrors...

    Don't look behind the green curtain...

  2. It seems that trying to deal with Hillary is similar to dealing with Iran.

  3. We do not want the Hildabeast Clinton for President. She ain't legit so commit. Do the work and prevent it. It's that easy.


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