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Monday, August 10, 2015

Spill In Colorado River Is Three Times Larger Than Originally Estimated

(CNN)The mustard hue of the Animas River in Colorado -- the most visible effect of a mistake by the Environmental Protection Agency that dumped millions of gallons of pollutants into the water -- is striking.

Just a glance at a photo of the orange-yellowish slush is enough to know that something seems wrong. Scientists will have to say just how wrong, and possibly dangerous, the contamination is, though five days after the spill answers are few.

Just how polluted is the river? Is drinking water in peril? Are businesses dependent on the river out of luck?

One question that has been answered is the size of the spill: more than triple than originally estimated. The U.S. Geological Survey reported the size of the spill to be more than 3 million gallons, compared with the initial EPA estimate of 1 million gallons.



  1. Will that kill crops as well? What exactly is in it?

  2. I doubt this was an "accident" as the EPA claims. Its a classic create a problem so we can show you just how dangerous the world we live in is. But wait it was the EPA that caused the problem. If feel like every day that Obama is still in office we all have to fear for our lives. This country is in peril.

  3. "The most terrifying words in the English language are:

    I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

    -Ronald Reagan

  4. I doubt seriously this was an accident.

  5. Where's all the outrage and condemnation from the River-keepers and Chesapeake Bay Foundation. That's right no donations to be had from this?

  6. The Communist EPA needs to be abolished.


  7. So 'his' EPA causes this 'man caused disaster' and OweBama goes on vacation. Par for his course!

  8. ePA NEEDS TO PAY!!!!!

  9. That is one of the signs of thw end times... Says it right in the bible.... The waters will get so toxic you cant drink it and if you bath in it, it wilm remove your skin...

  10. Another "test run" from the feds?


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