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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Self-Defense and Police State Home Invasions

It's 3:00 in the morning. Your wife and young children are asleep. You hear a commotion outside, followed by the sound of a window rattling. You get up, grab your 12 gauge and creep down the stairs. You hear window glass breaking. A black-clad man scrambles in, and while he does, you exercise your right to defend your house and shoot. The man dies.

In a free society, this would be an acceptable, indeed, admirable, use of force in defense of your home and family. There's only one catch: the man you shot is a cop. In a free, sane society, the benefit of the doubt would be given to you. You saw a masked thug climbing into a broken window, and for all you knew, intended to kill you and your family. You used justifiable deadly force to repel an attack against your home.

The fault would lie with the team of officers who attempted a highly dangerous operation that got a fellow officer killed, and they would be punished accordingly for acting so stupidly. Amiright? BUT, we don't live in a sane society do we? We live in a 50k SWAT raid-per-year society, a society that worships police and when something like this does happen, the police are given a pass and the man defending his home from an unknown threat is charged with murder.



  1. Acted on a tip. Not a controlled buy after. No surveillance. A tip. One big problem today is that police just act. Not investigate. They let courts figure it out at the innocent mans expense. This is wrong .

  2. They Are Obama Police....this needs to be stopped....

    Taking a chance to come in my house... KABOOM!!!!!!


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