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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

School Officials Used Young Girl as 'Bait' in Rape Sting, She Was Raped and They Covered It Up

The people involved have attempted to defer liability for allowing this to happen.

Huntsville, AL —
In 2010, a 14-year-old Huntsville girl was approached by school officials who wanted to use her as bait in a “sting operation.” The plan was to use the young girl to catch a boy in the act who’d been accused of sexually harassing students. However, their asinine plan backfired, and this innocent young girl was anally raped by the older student.

The plan was for the girl not to do anything and teachers would burst in and catch the boy with a girl in the bathroom, but the boy changed bathroom locations. The girl, known in court records as BHJ, was not found by the incompetent school officials until after the student raped her.



  1. Well if you can't teach let's play detective. Well the BOE will need more money for the court settlement.

  2. This kind of stupidity just burns my butt.

  3. So the guy can get off again since it was a setup and it's just her word against his. This is definitely one of the dumbest things I've read, but know there is so much more out there going on that isn't ever going to be revealed to the public's attention.

  4. They should have left this to the police, so they could screw it up

  5. I can barely believe this is a real story.
    Trust no one, ever.


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