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Friday, August 07, 2015

Salisbury OKs Plans For New Habitat Project

SALISBURY – The City Council covered a list of agenda items during last week’s meeting, including reviewing a Habitat for Humanity project on Church Street, the establishment of a Community Development Project fund, a code change to have new development along the river added to the Riverwalk as part of construction and an increase in fines for various building codes.

Wicomico Habitat Eyes Build On Church Street

A resolution came before the City Council to approve a project to construct or rehabilitate a minimum of four homes in the greater church street neighborhood to be sold to low or very low income families over the next two years.

According to the resolution, the non-profit organization of Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, Inc., has proposed to undertake the project, and has applied to the Department of Housing and Community Development of the State of Maryland for approval of the project and an allocation of tax credits for business entities and individuals that contribute to the Project, under the Department’s Community Investment Tax Credit Program.

The council voted 3-0 to approve the resolution with Council President Jake Day and Councilman Jack Heath absent.



  1. We do not need anymore of this type or any subsidized housing on the lower shore. We need jobs so folks can work toward ownership without the government. Heck, half of most towns on the lower shore are composed of 50% or better in rental housing stock! That is plenty for the market.

    "Jobs, jobs, jobs" is what I heard from the mouth of Mathias every election year...the construction jobs associated with subsidized housing projects is a sword that cuts both ways. I know...waive your arms in the air and tell us all how the sun is shining in Ocean City, blah blah blah...for crying out loud!

  2. I would rather they be "sold" to low income home owners, than rented by slumlords to slum people. Habitat for Humanity has a very strict set of requirements for potential residents. Unfortunately just like the latest Rivers Edge project, once all the residents' baby daddies, grandkids, boyfriends, cousins, uncles and friends move in with them, it spirals downhill fast.

    With ECI right there, once they are released into Wicomico County, they are going to head for the first relatives in town they can find.


  3. Liberal Jim's folks were out in force in Snow Hill passing stuff out on Saturday. Running scared? Or planning to run for something else?

    Andy Harris and Mary Beth Carozza were also there.

  4. Ireton really is a fat head if he thinks he can run against Andy Harris or Carl Anderson. Mo Conway went down and we don't need any reincarnated Moe's!

  5. I would like to know the statistics on how many of the Habitat Homes are still owned by the original person that house was built for. Another statistic telling us how many people now reside in the house as opposed to how many people are supposed to have lived there under the original terms of construction. I would also like to know why these homes seem to be built only in depressed areas that are dangerous for young children. I would think housing for families with children would be preferable as to improve quality of a young life. Is there any terms in the sales agreement that may revoke the terms of the transaction if the new owner does not keep the property up or violates neighborhood expectations or is it a once and done?

  6. They have a pretty good record for keeping the home. But from what I've read, it's not all that easy. I thought they sold them the homes for what it cost to build. But apparently not, they have to pay "market price" even if all the materials are donated.

    They only make payments on the principal, as an "interest free loan" but...there is a second mortgage lien autlmatically put on the home, for the full amount of what the interest would be throughout the life of the loan, as a lump sum.

    This means they can't sell the house. If they do, the entire balance including the deferred interest is immediately due. So if the neighborhood gets really bad or the owner's job is transferred elsewhere, they are out of luck.

    They are built in run down areas because that is where there is the most need for decent, livable housing. Also land and property is cheapest there, making it more affordable. The idea is to put more owners in a neighborhood as opposed to just renters, in hopes they will take a little pride in ownership and not trash the place like renters often do.

    Once the family has a decent place to live, it is up to them to improve the child's life. They are responsible to provide proper nutrition, discipline, education, and to supervise them.

    Yes, there are terms and conditions that go along with it. They must go through classes on responsible homeownership and budgeting. They can't leave the home for more than two weeks or travel without permission from Habitat. It is a commitment and the process teaches commitment. discipline and self control, something many of the clients had never learned before.


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