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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Salisbury Cabs Have NO Respect

We found this vehicle tonight in a local parking lot. Nice Parking Job! 


  1. Off topic but congratulations to Jake and Liz Day on the birth of their baby girl.

  2. The cabs in salisbury are ridiculous! You see beat up station wagons and vans running around dping like 90mph in city and then you see a taxi sign in top with a ghetto azz thug driving. Smh thats salisbury for you.

  3. Fit right in with everything else downtown.

  4. No respect, or, just don't know how to drive? Have you seen the drivers of these?

  5. Man they cut you off ,speed and tail gate. This one driver has one more time and I'm gonna bust his dentures down his throat!

  6. Complete scumbags driving those cabs. Those cabs are rolling junk!

  7. He is at the end of the lot, nowhere near the stores, so what is your point?

  8. Too many cab co in salisbury its looking like the Guetto.

  9. Never seen so many cabs and tire companies around here in my life!

  10. Cabs are found everywhere around the park area. They pull in there and sleep I guess waiting for their next call. There is one on Sheffield Avenue every day, don't see a driver, I guess he's laying down on the job don't really know.

  11. I know all these ebt gobblers these SCABS are hauling around are not paying in cash.i think alot of them are funded by grants for the transportation of the bum with local state and federal money.Also heard years ago these are the biggest dope movers in DABURY.

  12. It's either Bailey's or some other Thug cab company

  13. 7:52
    You are a moron. When have you EVER seen a handicap parking place at the end of a lot? This was by the bank. The handicap space is directly in line with the door to the bank.

  14. Is there one "taxi" driver in this town that has a legitimate medallion or livery license?

  15. Most of them drive addicts around to buy dope or the dealers to deliver.

  16. Where is the cab enforcement in salisbury, all other towns have them,TLC.

  17. HA! The Twilley parking lot is a joke. Someone should post pictures of the "Fire Lane". Many of the low-life Salisbury residents that frequent the Dollar store just park in the fire lane. It is routine. There seems to be no parking enforcement at that shopping center, as I see the fire lane being used as curb parking EVERY TIME I go to that shopping center. Maybe the Fire Marshall and the city police are afraid that they will be accused of "racism" if they enforce the parking/no parking laws.

  18. 7:52 PM, Perhaps you are too blind to see they are parking in a handicap spot.

  19. Just saw this post , remember some are pimps driving for the ladies to see if they can get a hit , some are drug dealers , some are legit.
    Most are ex-cons anyway .

  20. Its an OLD handicap parking spit not in use any more. How would a handicap person park there then get over the curb in front and cross 2 way traffic?

  21. 2:12
    It is NOT an old handicap parking place. What you don't see is the cab is covering the handicap emblem for the second spot. The picture was taken coming out of the drive thru at the bank. These 2 handicap spaces are for customers of the bank. Not for a cab to block 2 of them.


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