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Monday, August 03, 2015


“When the gun went off, my son went down in the yard crying..."

A tragic and insidious puppycide was reported this week in Clayton County when an officer callously and sadistically shot a puppy in front of children.

A family is grieving after witnessing Clayton County police officer Walter Dennard walk up to their five-month-old lab-pit mix and shoot it, claiming the puppy “lunged at him.”



  1. A constant state of fear, of course. But a PUPPY? LUNGED at you?
    How can a cop sat that with a straight face? And how can his supervisor sign off on the discharge of his weapon and say it was "reasonable", or, in the vernacular, a "good shoot"?
    LOL. Under the same reasoning used to "justify" .....wait for the most whack statistic known to man ......99.9% of ALL police shootings.
    It's fear! The overwhelming and constant fear that cops live with 24/7. Shadows, wallets, nothing, walking canes, did I mention nothing at all, and now PUPPIES?? What's next on the cop equipment list??? Kevlar ankle wraps?? The list of things cops are afraid of is bigger than Jonathan Taylors grocery list.
    I wonder if the other cops are ragging him? Probably not.
    Keep cheering.

  2. All Pits and their mixes need to be put down! Kill them at birth, or better yet, ban them completely. My daughter is forever scared from a neighbors dog attack when she was 4. A good officer was called then, and he killed that dog!

  3. Really? A 5 month old puppy, probably just wanted to play. How can you fear a little puppy. If a little puppy causes him that much fear then he should not be a police officer. Then to turn around and shoot him a second time right in front of the children is horrible. We have so many good police officers that the bad ones are making them all look bad. This is a shame.

  4. These ruthless, heartless, lawless pigs have got to go. When is too much too much.

  5. Vicious dogs need to be put down, puppy or not, it attacked him.

  6. I have a 6 year old pittbull that is the msot loving, sweetest and obedient dog I have ever had. I am also a responsible pet owner.

    However, I do not let children or strangers around my dog.

    I also had a neighbor with a pitbull that got loose from time to time when my kids were little. My kids knew to STAY AWAY from that dog because it wasnt theirs. You see him out, get inside.

    Never had that dog bite my kids. Maybe your daughters attack wasnt' the dogs fault.

  7. He's gun happy----a dog that young
    would not hurt him--he could have
    easily been held back.

  8. Puppies are highly dangerous and need to be looked upon with total fear at all times. God forbid one actually got loose and "lunges" which is exactly their MO.

    Lunging to play, love, and nuzzl...Oh. I mean to kill their intended targets.Yeah, that's it!


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