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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Roger Stone: 'Ruling Elite Are Wetting Their Britches' Over Trump

Republican and Democratic party leaders are wracked with anxiety over the candidacies of their frontrunners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, GOP political consultant Roger Stone tells Newsmax TV.

"The ruling elite are wetting their britches [over Trump]. The lobbyists can't buy him off, they can't bully him, they can't boss him.... They're going out of their minds," Stone, a former adviser to the Trump campaign, said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

"He has a unique opportunity to bring conservative reform to government without heeding the special interest to kind of water down any kind of reforms. He can take on the entire broken system that is financed by dirty money because he's financially independent."

And liberals' nerves are just as frayed, according to Stone.

"There's panic in the Democratic Party. Hillary — this is the second time she was a sure thing because she was a sure thing last time, too, and it's falling apart before her very eyes. She is mired in email-gate," Stone said.

"There's a new lie every week. There's a new revelation every couple days. She's incapable of telling the truth. Her defenses are not believable. Her performance is pathetic. Halting, cautious, she's stuck and there's no way out.

"She's trying to make light of it, make a joke of it but it's not a joke. The Chinese, the Russians may have our most sensitive confidential documents regarding the security of this country because of her political concerns."



  1. We have the opportunity here to have a genuine honest president, not one owing favors, and is bought and paid for by special interests!

  2. Uncontrollable laughter will cause that.

  3. We can only hope Trump wins and shoves the corrupt political system down the toilet. I think if it comes to him being elected however he will be killed. Perot and Caine decided not to continue, but Trump is different I hope and pray. The rainbow warriors do not want change They have a sinister evil agenda to fufill. Trump is upsetting the NWO DEMONS. He better watch out!!

  4. Therefore the elite need to start a war and/or end the illusion of a salvageable economy by sneezing on the house of cards.

  5. It must feel like a whole new ball game when you can't buy the team like you've been used to doing.

  6. You Gooooo Donald!!


  7. Hillary: What is it called when you give aid and comfort to our enemies?

    Yep; pretty much thought that is the answer.

  8. Trump and Clinton ARE the ruling elite!

  9. That he doesn't answer to GOP national committee, is the biggest reason I like him. They can't tell him what to do & he can't be bought by big corporations.

  10. 1:38 YES!
    1:49 That's because he is a Clinton sponsored patsy. Do you really think that someone trying to secure votes would alienate and piss off Latinos, Blacks and Asians right off the get go. He has been planted here to secure the minority vote for the democrats by making conservatives look like the Klan. He is an old Clinton friend and has had Democratic ideology for years, only flipping to run Republican. He is going to kill the Republican party. I do not think that is such a bad thing, however this election is too important, and the opposition too wacko to lose this election for fiscal conservatism.
    And don't believe for a second that his "war against the media" is real. It used to be that all candidates were legally required equal coverage by the media but by coming out with remarkable new hate speaches every day, the media has been able to ignore the other candidates to focus on"the Donald Trump show". This is a game, and we are ALL about to lose it.


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