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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Right-to-Work Or Not, Workers Have The Freedom To Leave Their Union

Worker freedom is on the march in this country. Indiana and Michigan became right-to-work states in 2012, and Wisconsin passed its worker freedom law earlier this year, becoming the 25th right-to-work state.

Why are right-to-work policies becoming so popular across the country?

Right-to-work states perform better economically than non-right-to-work states. Right-to-work states have higher wages than non-right-to-work states when adjusting for cost of living. And most of all, right-to-work states give workers more freedom.

Imagine that — Americans want more freedom. That may be a hard thing for Big Labor to acknowledge. After all, how will unions survive if their most effective recruiting tool, forced conscription, is taken away from them?



  1. This needs to happen in Maryland!

  2. Teachers, please obtain your professional liability insurance from the Eastern Shore Education Association. It's $200 per year as opposed to the $605 you will pay to WCEA and MSEA. It is virtually the same exact coverage. WCEA and MSEA will tell you it is not but please understand they will say whatever it takes to keep your $605 in dues money. If you are tired of the Union this is a very affordable option to go with. I joined the Eastern Shore Education Association last year and I know a lot of other teachers who have joined and/or are interested in joining. Just know you do have a choice if you have been looking to get out of the high cost of WCEA/MSEA!

  3. States with "right-to-work" (for less!) laws, have lower pay in comparable jobs.


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