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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Rand Paul: Fund Community Health Centers, Not Planned Parenthood

(CNSNews.com) - "We have 9,000 community health centers that do everything that Planned Parenthood does, but they don't get into abortions," Sen. Rand Paul told CNN's "State of the Union" with Jake Tapper on Sunday. "So it would be much less emotional for everyone if we just funded community health centers and didn't fund Planned Parenthood."

Paul is pressing a vote, scheduled for Monday, to defund Planned Parenthood and give the annual $500-million taxpayer contribution to other health care providers.

He called it "morally repugnant" for Planned Parenthood to perform abortions in a way that salvages the baby's body parts for future sale, as was discussed in recently released undercover videos shot and edited by a pro-life group.



  1. This is a great idea and a perfect solution! Why should TAX PAYERS foot the bill for MURDER????????????????????????????????????


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