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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Prevent Megyn Kelly From Hosting Any Further REPUBLICAN Debates

Megyn Kelly characterizes the Presidential selection process as "fun", dismissing the millions of Americans that find it much more serious. We deserve better than Megyn Kelly. Below, please find a list of reasons we believe Megyn Kelly should be barred from all future debates:

1. Megyn Kelly had a clear agenda: attack Donald Trump. Even if she “attacked equally”, we’re not looking for a hatchet-man; we’re looking for a moderator to thoroughly, and fairly, vet the Presidential candidates.

2. With over 90 million Americans out of the labor force, they are more concerned with their future than whether or not someone engaged in name calling.

3. She tenaciously covered (to the point of voyeuristic obsession) Mr. Trumps past rather than his vision for the future.
4. Megyn Kelly's feeling, however valid, should come second to the interest of our Nation.

5. She focused on candidates personally, rather than politically.

6. Megyn Kelly failed to cover many things more relevant to a Presidential candidate. For example, Marco Rubio’s gang of eight bill, Jeb Bush’s fascination with common core and feckless immigration policy, Rand Paul’s specific position on constitutional issues, Ted Cruz's track record of telling the truth on everything he's ever done, politically, Ben Carson's honest, calm and collected "outsider" approach (mixed with his questionable second amendment stance), etc. 


  1. simple replace her with Gretchen

  2. This is an hilarious opinion. In other words, all of Hillary's past digressions are off limits? We only look tow a candidates "vision" not matter how myopic the candidate is???? Really????? Nwe people have only one job. Sell commercial time. They will do whatever it takes to do so. If you cannot see past that, you may not be smart enough to vote

  3. Face it, she totally blew a chance to present a debate that was worth a moment of viewers' time. Instead, she gave us a self-created sideshow.

  4. fox news the traitors.

  5. The Real story is Megyn Kelly ran up on someone (Trump) who just is at the point in his career and financial status he is ultra confrontational as self-made men ARE. I've in my time worked for people who were super flushed with money and the truth is they didn't need me to the point I had the authority to remake their wishes or plan of attack on ANY topic. Megyn Kelly forgot her place when she tried to corner the conversation with Trump who is abrasive yet VERY successful. He looks at her as just what she is, Somebody's employee, and that's the truth. He's made Billions of bucks on his own and who the hell is she to question him on ANYTHING until she attains the SAME level of success? Finally, A man with some BALLS. Bob Aswell

  6. With over 24 million viewers most ever Instead of asking questions of policy she became TMZ teen reporter. She went from BIMBO to BOZO.

  7. Dumb blonde. Defintely trying to make a name for herself and could care less about the real problems in this country.

  8. You Republicans turn on your own so quickly. I'm sure if there was a poll 3 weeks ago, all of you would've sung her praises. Now she's the enemy. It is very entertaining to watch you destroy yourselves.

    1. Hey, I am a Democrat and find her disgusting. So don't make it out to be Republicans. Would I vote for Trunp? hell no. Would I vote for Clinton? hell no.

    2. Hear. Hear. I am a Democrat as well and a Black women. I'll be dam, if I vote for Hildabeast Clinton. That's not going to happen. At this point, none of the candidates impress me. None. For the first time in my adult life, I may not vote at all in 2016.

  9. We need to know the character of these candidates and she was able to show that Trump has a few problems in that area. You don't treat people by calling them names like Trump does. We don't need a leader who belittles others with name calling.

  10. Tony Cumia Said

    "You Republicans turn on your own so quickly. I'm sure if there was a poll 3 weeks ago, all of you would've sung her praises."

    At least we don't stick by someone even when its been proven they are corrupt. The way liberals stick with their kind no matter how awful or corrupt they may be is certainly not something you should be proud of.

    Many people would have said they loved Megyn Kelly three weeks ago. Then we all saw this side of her and we do not want to be associated with a person like her.

    To me it was not the questions they asked but rather how they asked them and then challenged them. There was a lot more argument with Trump from the moderators.

    Everyone needs to keep in mind that this was not a one on one interview with Trump. When the question was asked and an answer was given then they should not have challenged his answer. They should have left the challenges to a response to come from the other candidates.

    The moderators were supposed to just ask a question and then move on to the next while enforcing the rules of the debate.

    I saw Chris Wallace and Megyn both argue with Trump. To me that was no different than Candy Crowly jumping in the debate between Mitt and Obama.

    It was clear they were going for Trump because in every pre-debate interview moderators were gleefully mentioning how they had something in store for Trump and that they had setup some questions that would ensure that sparks would fly between the candidates. This means they were not out to get perspective on these candidates for to help inform the American Public. They were instead more about creating drama to make things more exciting.

  11. why are you people supposed??? Notice they don't put fat ugly women on tv or in the media don't you?

  12. Did not see the debate as I do not have cable, satellite, directv, whatever. It sounds like Ms. Kelley was taking a page from the libtards playbook. They harass the folks they don't like and the rest skate on by...

  13. ..'Tony Cumia said... You Republicans turn on your own so quickly.'

    What makes you think she's one of 'our own?' I sure don't think she is.

    She's a bimbo. She just did a pretty graphic interview with Howard Stern, and has a habit of flashing a LOT of flesh. She's a narcissist, an exhibitionist, and a biotch.

    You know.. someone with real character.

  14. Anonymous 2:42 said...
    "why are you people supposed??? Notice they don't put fat ugly women on tv or in the media don't you?"

    um... what?

  15. I think she has the hots for Trump.

  16. What a loser. Fox showed it's true colors with Megyn Bimbo and Chris Wallass. Time for an actual conservative network. Someone that could break through with that would be an instant billionare!

    1. One American news network. I just found it myself and just in time I might add.

  17. 4:33-But she ruins the hotness by thinking she's smart.

  18. i believe she is an independent. I enjoy FOX NEWS but I did not care for Kelly and Wallace's performance. I don't think the other candidates got the same amount of time or questions asked that voters are truly interested in. I did not like her question at the end about did the candidate hear from GOD. I thought it was smart mouth and disrespectful.

    For the future, I would prefer either Greta or Hannity or OReilly. I think Brett did a good job and was respectful.

    A bird never flys so high he doesn't fall and in this case with Kelly, she fell flat on her face and didn't come across well to viewers.

    1. Never liked Wallace or his father . Meg Kelley was good when you didn't see much of her. But now she'd rather be a Jon Stewart than a reporter fair and balanced.

  19. The establishment is scared to death of Trump. Megyn doesn't like Trump. I'm sure Roger Ailes wanted Megyn to take him down. So what. Grow up and deal with it. He's a big boy running for POTUS. You people sound like liberals who wants to silence someone they don't agree with. If Trump doesn't get these questions now, he'll get them later. That's a fact.

    Those that criticize Kelly for the Stern interview are way off base. I'm not a Stern fan, but from what I have seen of him, the self-proclaimed "King of all Media" is mostly a pig when he interviews women. Megyn knew what the Stern interview would be like. Her responses to Stern's typically lewd questions were well crafted and playful without being vulgar. If you don't believe that, you should listen to the interview for yourself. The Stern interview was simply a career move calculated to boost her popularity with the Stern demographic.

    There is already too much pussy-footing around in politics.

  20. She did this ALL by herself. She thought she would become a star with her performance. It backfired.

  21. She went to Syracuse U, then law school. Most of the dolts who are bashing her could not get into either.

  22. I went to Syracuse not that hard to get into. However she hot. That's all that really matters

    1. I agree. I usually don't pay attention to what she says I just watch her talk.

  23. I can't believe this waste of a private university undergrad day degree and a law degree. With last week's performance she'd be better off staying home and making babies, and I don't say that lightly.

  24. Kelly = backstabber.

  25. She was on howard stern years back talking about her bra size real classy...

  26. I was actually upset with Trump on the night of the debate because of how he acted.Now I see the real Kelly and understand exactly.

  27. It's taken this long for conservatives to finally figure out that Fox News is just another BS propaganda machine just like the rest of them? Y'all need to wise up. Everyone is taking advantage of you.

  28. She's hot looks good on camera. That's it. If trump gets more momentum she will be done


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