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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Pressure Mounts On Senator Cardin To Decide Iran Deal Vote

Pressure continues to mount on Maryland Senator Ben Cardin to decide which way he will vote on the Iran nuclear deal. Supporters and opponents of the deal continue to hold rallies, trying to help sway his vote.

Derek Valcourt has the messages both sides are sending.

Both sides are growing impatient as the wait for Cardin to announce where he comes down on the deal that faces strong Republican opposition.

The MoveOn.org crowd is the latest to put pressure on Maryland Senator Ben Cardin.

“I think supporting the nuclear treaty is a step away from war and a step toward peace,” said John Barnes.



  1. 200 former Generals and Admirals penned a letter to Congress, urging them to vote against the deal.

    A vote for the deal is a vote against American interests.

  2. Cardin is a fool and will never be elected again if be votes for the deal.

  3. This is no deal at all. It's a Obama cowardice giveaway. And don't forget the secret backdoor deals that he has not shown anybody.

  4. Cardin will do what Obama tells him to do and of course that is to vote for the deal. Cardin is playing neutral at the moment to avoid all the flack he would be getting. He is and always has been a yes man.

  5. vote for the deaL, BEN. SO WE CAN BE RID OF YOU.

  6. Cardin has always done stupid liberal things.

  7. cardin is another liberal idiot that can't make up his own mind, or stand on his convictions, because he has none. Whatever the party line is, he will support. No matter if it's what his constituents want or not. They all seem to forget they are in office to represent us.

  8. a vote for the deal is a vote out of office

  9. the POSER will wait until the last minute so he can get more attention and collect more bribes

  10. Obama is going to just go it alone with an Executive Order.

  11. How long has this guy been in office 30 years? ?

  12. He personifies that word -- "Baltimoron"!


  13. Ben, Grow a pair and vote 'No'. Don't be shy about it.

    During the Cold War we took some comfort from the notion the bad guys wanted to keep on living, too.

    Iran is a theocracy ruled by men who 1) think if you don't believe their way they're both entitled and required to kill you and 2) think that dying while trying gets them a better seat in their version of the afterlife.

    For the last 35+ years their society has been indoctrinated this way; dissidents have been purged.

    They'll start with Israel Ben, but if you vote for the deal they'll be just as happy to put you on their list as if you vote against it. So, Man Up!

  14. You are suppose to be speaking for us........not apeasing OBAMA! The people have spoken and requested you vote NO to this deal. Be your own person, and represent the people ~!

  15. He will side with Obama. Please prove me wrong!

  16. Cardin will vote the party line...always. There is no way he is going to vote against the deal. Hell, he would vote to burn America down, if it was the party line. He has never had an independent thought in his head.

  17. Another idiot who cares nothing about our country and only cares about following the Democrat liberal party line.Makes you wonder what planet he lives on.


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