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Friday, August 21, 2015

Pope Francis: ‘Whoever Will Not Work Should Not Eat’

In his weekly Angelus message Wednesday, Pope Francis praised the value of hard work and a willingness to do one’s part for the common good rather than freeloading off society.

Citing Saint Paul, Francis said that “anyone unwilling to work should not eat” and added that being called a hard worker is the highest form of praise for a “serious, honest person.”

To call someone a worker, the Pope said, means that he is a member of the community who does his part and doesn’t “live off others.”

Work, he noted, “is needed to support one’s family, raise children and ensure a decent life to loved ones.” This habit of hard work, he added, is learned in the home, from one’s parents who support their family and in this way contribute to the common good.



  1. Best message he could have ever put out there and I agree with him 100 percent.

  2. Good thing he's not coming to Baltimore. He'd never make it out alive with that message.

  3. To many people on government assistance. The word "assistance" means to help, normally it is a temporary solution. Welfare people expect this to be a life time entitlement. I think there should be a time limitation of receipt of assistance and drug testing to continue getting funds. Also people getting assistance should do community service instead of sitting on their butts doing nothing. If you don't work you don't eat!

  4. @10:44 agreed and mst others whose opinion matters would agree too which is why we need anyone but Hillary.

  5. If the Pope were only running for president it would be a landslide for him. This is what this country should embody not handouts. That is one thing Clinton did when he took office was to cut down on welfare recipients and the number of children they could continue to have and receive benefits. If you go on welfare it should not be a free ride for the rest of your life and continue to have more and more dependants adding to the system. It should be immediate birth control until you are on your own and earning a living, we should not have to pay for those that do not want to work. I live in the city here and I hear young black men walk along the sidewalk all the time talking their disability or welfare, they are not even out of their 20's and it is already a way of life for them, as they walk their multiple pit bulls also eating machines.

  6. Bless you, Your Holiness!


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