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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Poll: Sanders Now Leads Hillary in New Hampshire

Sen. Bernie Sanders is leading Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton by seven points in the latest survey out of New Hampshire, a Boston Herald and Franklin Pierce University poll shows.

Sanders leads Clinton 44 to 37; Joe Biden follows at 9 percent support, even though he has yet to announce his candidacy. All other candidates -- former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, former Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee and former Virginia Gov. Jim Webb-- got 1 percent or less.



  1. Good, by the time of the Convention Hillary should be in jail

  2. I do not know what is better. Bernie beating Hillary or Omally getting less than 1%. For a 2 to 1 state like MD to elect Hogan Omally must have really screwed things up.

  3. They won't let Bernie win. If they know Hillary is done they will tag in Biden.

  4. Get the criminal out and replace her with the Baffoon, that can only help the Republicans.


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