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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Please Tell Black Lives Matter to Shut Up and Go Away!

Born in 1856, Booker T. Washington was an amazing black educator, orator, author and adviser to US presidents.

Isn’t it interesting that black men and women in America way back then were achieving extraordinary success? Meanwhile, liberals and Democrats claim America is such a hellhole of racism that blacks need cradle-to-grave welfare, affirmative action, lowered standards and numerous other special concessions to survive. Why am I seemingly the only black person on the planet highly offended by the Left’s bigotry of lowered expectations? Actually, I know other blacks who share my frustration with blacks who think liberals and Democrats are their friends.

Booker T. Washington so succinctly and perfectly described black race profiteers, I am convinced he personally knew Al Sharpton. Thus, Sharpton must have a portrait of himself in his attic like Dorian Gray. The portrait collects Sharpton’s plethora of sins and keeps his appearance from reflecting his true age. I suspect this despicable race hustling conman has been peddling crap/hate for a very, very long time.

Washington really nailed Sharpton and the Black Lives (Lies) Matter movement in his following quote.

“There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs – partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Can you believe Washington said that back in the late 1800s? Black “losers” (a little Trump lingo) were exploiting race and looking for a free ride. As the saying goes, there in nothing new under the sun.

So, here we go again. To commemorate the one year anniversary of the death of black thug Michael Brown, Black Lives Matterthugs trashed Ferguson again. Liberals still advise government to walk on eggshells to appease the BLM terrorists.



  1. Considering the way they treat themselves and each other - they don't matter! Why should I care if you don't care about yourself first?!

  2. Shhhhh! It's working.

  3. Amen! Really why should we give a hoot if they don't.

  4. Booker T also believed in segregation. Desegregation has destroyed our community. Too many educated blacks assimilating with those that don't want nor care for assimilation. Why did the author not mention the Justice report that exposed the wrongdoings by Ferguson police and politicians? If mr. Brown hadn't been killed, Ferguson police would still be harassing innocent black folks while practicing Jim crow for revenue quotas. Mr Brown was the spark that lit the fire because the people were sick and tired of being sick and tired of police writing every black person in sight a ticket for whatever. That is the reason of the protests. One black business owner stated that he would leave for work 1 hour early anticipating a police stop for just being black driving an expensuve car. The author is race baiting like sharpton.


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