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Sunday, August 09, 2015

‘PIG’ Written on Cop’s Order Gets Taco Bell Worker FIRED

Who the hell does this- to ANYONE? This is an outrageous incident in which someone who thinks they deserve $15 an hour is writing nasty, grade school insults on wrappers for food. What a major jerk:

Employee gets the boot.

Via The Blaze:

After a Kansas police officer and his fiancee picked up their to-go order from a Taco Bell in Newton on Saturday night, the couple experienced quite a shock.

The word “PIG” was penned in what appears to be black marker on at least two of their items.

The couple told KAKE-TV they called and spoke to the manager on duty, who said they could bring back the five soft tacos and get new ones. When the couple told the manager they couldn’t return since they were both working, she said she would arrange to get their money refunded and food remade.

But on Sunday Taco Bell told KAKE they’ve done one better and fired the employee who left the nasty notes.

“We do not share the same belief or view as the employee whatsoever,” Jeff Graves, senior director of operations for Taco Bell, told the station. “Our company, Taco Bell, has always been pro-law enforcement, military. We’ve always supported the police in our community. Many of our restaurants give police discounts when they come in and eat.”

Graves added that he’s been in touch with the couple.

“We’ve of course apologized to him, all the Newton Police officers and, in fact, everyone in the community,” he added to KAKE. “In fact, I’ve even met with the lieutenant with the Newton Police Department this morning, and we’re even going to plan a community event working with the Newton Police officers within the next week just to show our support for the officers and the community.”



  1. Awe.....cop got his feelings hurt. What's the deal? Just have to always be puffing about something.

    1. There's a time and place for complaining AND THIS IS ONE! Oh, my son robbed the store and got shot while resisting and pulling a weapon, I'm suing! Idgits! I order food and get insulted for NO REASON! Damn right a complaint should be made and that person fired! You need to grow up! Idgits!

  2. I'd be more worried about what was inside the wrapper.

  3. TheTaco Bell person who wrote that insult should be beaten with bamboo canes. They are a piece of no good low class trash.

  4. I say do what the cops do, suspend him with pay for a few weeks, then put him back to work. If cops can shoot and kill people and get nothing but paid admin leave, why should anyone lose their job for calling a pig a pig? Just another example of corruption.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I say do what the cops do, suspend him with pay for a few weeks, then put him back to work. If cops can shoot and kill people and get nothing but paid admin leave, why should anyone lose their job for calling a pig a pig? Just another example of corruption.

    August 4, 2015 at 12:53 PM

    What a cop hating idiot!! LMAO, I bet you got some tickets and/or got arrested. It's not the cops fault you got busted breaking the law! LMFAO

    1. Yeah. Got a ticket for a tail light out. Meanwhile the cop crossed two lanes of traffic , cut somebody off, ran the red turn signal, then speed up more than the posted speed limit just to pull me for my light. Did I mention his headlight and spot light was more than enough to see my tag. Lmfao is right. Pathetic pigs!

  6. I agree 100% with the logic and I am a Vetran that has never been in trouble. I have seen cops belittle and disrespect people so many times while working at the beach. Face the facts that it's just not the Black community that is getting tired of their craps its the entire nation.

  7. 1:58 the question is what do you now. You one of those vets that sit at home and collect because your brain was injured doing your duty. I joined but I just can not bare the fact that I had to go active.

    I will say do not eat at Taco Hell. The food sucks and is not edible. So that cop they called pig did they know him or throw him in the the minority that screw up.

    I hope I offended you by the sitting home comment it is what you did to every cop that serves and protects.

    God speed think about what you say and the hurt it causes. I hope and pray you came home safe and sound. Just like I do for every cop and vet out there. We can never lump a class of people into one basket it just does not work.

    1. I don't get offended by stupidity. And where and how I support my familiy has no bearing on this what so ever. Sorry that thought of being activated scared you but honestly why would you enlist if you were scared to be activated and be called apon? I never wish harm on a single person. How many times did you walk through a airport being spit on and called a baby killer? Woukd you be able to take it and walk away or go after the person? It's comes with the territory of both jobs you are the scum of the earth to most people untill the need you and you are their hero. These cops should of laughed and went about their day. But what do I know I just worked 12 hours sitting at home with a jacked up brain.

  8. I'd trade them back in for BEEF.

  9. That's an old name for cops, from the late 60's and 70's. The cops turned it around on the hippies by advertizing "PIG" as standing for "Pride, Integrity, and Guts." The worker at Taco Bell is not a hippie protester, and disrespected a customer. Deserved to be fired, not for their opinion about cops, but for dereliction of duty and insulting a customer.

  10. It's a shame this person threw away a promising career in the food service industry for a stupid act like that.

  11. All of you cop haters should go piss up a rope. One of these days you will need one , hopefully they will abandon you so you can help yourself.

    1. We've been abandoned. The thugs run rampant while the police hide and respond after the fact.

    2. They aren't hiding. They are doing what they must to keep their jobs and their freedom. They don't want to be fired or put in prison. Thats the environment that anti-police people have created. Choke on it!

  12. If I was a cop I would have knocked his teeth out in front of the entire place.

  13. The cops don't hide, they probably are worried to be proactive due to the fact that everyone wants to sue Police officers for anything and the courts allow it. I am a veteran who follows the law and has not had a bad experience in being pulled over. If I am breaking the law then I understand then I may be pulled over for speeding or what ever other traffic law. Just be respectful and carry on.

  14. This Taco Bell employee got just what he deserved if he did something this hateful to someone just ordering food, he most likely did something to the food as well. Maybe the parents will correct him as well, for having a job and being stupid enough to loose it this way.


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