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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pennsylvania Schools Start New Year Broke With "Minus $1 Billion" In Funding

While the markets had a brief, if historic, limit-down hiccup earlier this week, even if Black Monday is now long forgotten and stocks are mostly in the green for the week following another epic round of central bank intervention, yesterday the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials announced something far more troubling: Pennsylvania schools are starting the year "minus $1 billion" in funds.

The reason, as the association announced, yesterday was "the day that schools should receive more than $1 billion in state subsidy payments for Basic Education Funding, transportation payments and employee benefit reimbursements appropriated in the new state budget. However, the state budget impasse has prevented this state funding from flowing, creating financial uncertainty for school districts across the commonwealth."

In other words, absent state subsidies, the entire Pennsylvania educational system may collapse.


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