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Wednesday, August 26, 2015



  1. Just shows a cop can do a fireman's job but a fireman can't do a cops job.

  2. LOL.
    The cops got the holy heck beat out of them so badly in the "Guns vs Hoses" boxing match -- that the police initiated --(one cop was put in the hospital) that the State Police commander told them to NEVER fight the firefighters again (stick to beating up old ladies and kids on skateboards, but ONLY after several more gestapo agents arrive.
    And the firefighters didn't even put their toughest guys in the ring (murdering a cop in a boxing match is still murdering a cop).
    ANYONE can hold a radar gun. It takes a real man to hold that hose. The picture didn't show the firefighters in the burning house (while the cops wait OUTSIDE) looking for anyone still inside (they NEVER find a cop there).

  3. Anonymous said...
    Just shows a cop can do a fireman's job but a fireman can't do a cops job.

    August 26, 2015 at 9:05 AM

    I am a career firefighter and I like this comment, but I am one of the few that can do your job as well as my job as a firefighter/paramedic. There are a lot of paid firemen in Salisbury that are a few of the lucky ones that lucked out and got hired. They will never be able to go anywhere else to get a good paying job. Most are fat, lazy and uneducated. Look at Rick Hoppes. Case closed!

  4. Who stages on calls for who? Enough said.

  5. A better picture would be on of many pictures of kops shooting someone.

  6. I passed the psychological lol. So I got to be a cop. My Brothers in red are all good. Cops, F.F., Soldiers all do it because they can. The rest go on blog sites and talk about it.

    Respect all and fear none stay strong brothers.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Who stages on calls for who? Enough said.

    August 26, 2015 at 12:44 PM

    LOL. That is something that was started a couple of years ago and I disagree with. I went in to many shooting calls and never waited for the police to show up first. This is something some dumb paid fireman came up with and a lot of lives have been lost because of it.


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