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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

O'Malley Wants Constitutional Amendment

As Governor, I made it easier—not harder—for people to vote. Now, I’m taking one more big step: I'm calling for a...

Posted by Martin O'Malley on Tuesday, August 4, 2015


  1. In this crappy and turbulent time all this guy can talk about is a right to vote. For who illegals? I wish this guy would take a hike and jump off a pier. He did enough damage to Maryland!

  2. thought we already had that?

  3. He says he wants to protect every Citizens right to vote? Since when are illegal aliens citizens? What a communist joke this guy is !!!

  4. This idiot also want's to open up the 2nd. Amendment, and clarify the wording to mean National Guard, not the citizens. He just pulls these nut ideas out of his A$$.

  5. 4:53, we do. It's called the 15th Amendment.

    Marty, being a Dem, has never read or followed the Constitution, so he doesn't know about it.

  6. You should only be able to vote if you have a joband pay taxes or own property that way the ones that do not have a stake (Latin taxes) can't vote for increasingly in taxes so they can gt more

  7. Felons don't have a right to vote. He wants the felons vote

  8. Well, 617, then he will just have to find a country where felons vote and move there, won't he?

  9. He's a total idiot

  10. Give it up, Marty.


  11. OweMalley - still filled to the brim between the ears with unprocessed sewage!


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