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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

O’Malley: Dems tilting race toward Hillary Clinton

CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA — Democratic presidential candidate Martin O'Malley in an exclusive interview Wednesday with The Hill accused party insiders of trying to tilt the primary contest in Hillary Clinton's favor.

O’Malley lit into the Democratic Party for seeking to limit the number of presidential debates, which he said would help Clinton glide to the nomination.

O’Malley said he raised the issue with the chairwoman of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), during last week’s National Urban League conference in Fort Lauderdale.



  1. I'm with OweMalley on this one.

    Who wouldn't want lots and lots of opportunities to share before strangers in other states and on TV why the Rain Tax and 39 other increased levies were such a good deal!

  2. Everyone knows the more opportunities given to expose the truth of Hillary's failures, the more harm it will do to get her elected. Bring 'em on!

  3. Let's hope Slow Joe runs. We need the laughs, at his gaffs.

  4. Hey O'Malley...how does it feel to have your voice and opinion go unheard ? We had eight years of it

  5. LMAO!! You whining a$$ cry baby, now you don't like how crooked your Democrat idiots are since you aren't benefiting from it. You F*n crook!

  6. Bingo 9:51. Keep swimming in the cesspool of the dnc. owemalley

  7. The fact that he considers Debbie Wasserman Shults says a lot about his character!

    They are the two dumbest in the nation!


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